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6pages task 1 professional nursing practice 28th march 2019

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Running Head: Task 1: Professional Nursing Practice
Task 1: Professional Nursing Practice

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Task 1: Professional Nursing Practice 2
A. Nursing Theory that Has influence my values and Goals
When it comes to my professional practice, the nursing theory that has influenced by Values
and Goals is that of Watson on ‘Human Caring'. The theory suggests that the nursing process
will entail building relationships between one person to the other to ensure care and support
is focussed on the patient so as to achieve the highest degree of harmony in the mind body
and soul. From a study which was conducted on Watson's theory on the mental health status
of pregnant women after losing their baby, it was found to have a very positive effect. When
a was assigned to work in the maternity ward during my internship, this theory was very vital
in my daily engagement and ensuring that I delivered my services as required (Alligood &
Tomey, 2010). It is also during this time that I had to deal with patients that experienced the
loss of their children after delivery and during postnatal care. As a nurse, this theory can be
used to present a holistic approach to nursing care by approaching patients which empathy,
love, and compassion. The theory fits my professional practices since, during the delivery of
my duties, one of my goals is to ensure patients have a hospitable experience while under my
B. The contribution of Two Historical Nursing Figures
The two Historical nursing figures are Jean Watson and Margaret Sanger. Both of these
figures contributed a lot in women healthcare, especially on their reproductive rights. For
example, Margaret Sanger is the one that developed the anti-reproductive pill that provided
women who have had more than one child an option to permanently prevent further
pregnancy (Alligood & Tomey, 2010). In the same line or reproduction, Mary Sanger came
up with a holistic approach that can be incorporated during the patient healing process in the

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Running Head: Task 1: Professional Nursing Practice Task 1: Professional Nursing Practice Affiliation Date Task 1: Professional Nursing Practice 2 A. Nursing Theory that Has influence my values and Goals When it comes to my professional practice, the nursing theory that has influenced by Values and Goals is that of Watson on ‘Human Caring'. The theory suggests that the nursing process will entail building relationships between one person to the other to ensure care and support is focussed on the patient so as to achieve the highest degree of harmony in the mind body and soul. From a study which was conducted on Watson's theory on the mental health status of pregnant women after losing their baby, it was found to have a very positive effect. When a was assigned to work in the maternity ward during my internship, this theory was very vital in my daily engagement and ensuring that I delivered my services as required (Alligood & Tomey, 2010). It is also during this time that I had to deal with patients that experienced the loss of their children after delivery and during postnatal care. As a nurse, this theory can be used to present a holistic approach to nursing care by approaching patients which empathy, love, and compassion. The theory fits my professional practices since, during the delivery of my duties, one of my goals is to ensure patients have a hospitable experience while under my care. B. The contribution of Two Historical Nursing Figures The two Historical nursi ...
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This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
