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Cs101 mid1

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Cs101 midterm
Charles Babbage was a/an
(a) Mathematician
(b) Computer Scientist
(c) Physician
(d) Analyst
First electronic computer was
(a) ABC
(b) UNIVAC 1
(c) Harvard Mark 1
(d) IBM PC
The Last famous electro-mechanical computer was
(c) Harvard Mark 1
(d) Altair 8800
The memory size of the Altair 8800 was
(a) 128 bytes
(b) 256 bytes
(c) 128 Kilo bytes
(d) 256 Kilo bytes
This element of Flow Chart is called_____________.
(a) Process
(b) Process
(c) Decision
(d) Connector
JavaScript is an example of _____________ language.
(a) Object-based
(b) Object-oriented
(c) Machine
(d) Assembly
____________ interacts directly with the computer Hardware
(a) Compiler
(b) Operating system
(c) Application software
(d) Assembler
In Spreadsheets, you can create a relationship between two cells by using _____.

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(a) Numbers
(b) Text
(c) Formulas
(d) None of the given choices
In spreadsheets, cell address A12 means _______.
(a) Row A, Cloumn 12
(b) Row 12, Cloumn A
(c) Row 2,Cloumn A1
(d) Row A1, Cloumn 2
VisiCalc was the first popular _______application on PC’s.
(a) Spreadsheet
(b) Word processor
(c) Presentation
(d) Database
__________ is the example of Shrink-wrapped software
(a) PIA information system
(b) WinZip trial pack
(c) Linux
(d) MS Word
The key feature of Scientific/Engineering/Graphics applications is ____________
(a) Intense calculations
(b) User-friendly
(c) Reliability
(d) Cost-effective
ERP is a type of __________________ .
(a) Entertainment software
(b) Productivity software
(c) Business software
(d) Scientific software
When we use <INPUT type=“password”>, what will happen?
(a) Text will not be visible
(b) Text will be in normal format
(c) Text will be in **** format
(d) Text will be in #### format
Video Card has its own -----------------
(a) Memory
(b) Processor
(c) Memory& Processor
(d) Neither memory nor Processor

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Cs101 midterm Q1 Charles Babbage was a/an (a) Mathematician (b) Computer Scientist (c) Physician (d) Analyst Q2 First electronic computer was (a) ABC (b) UNIVAC 1 (c) Harvard Mark 1 (d) IBM PC Q3 The Last famous electro-mechanical computer was (a) ENIAC (b) EDVAC (c) Harvard Mark 1 (d) Altair 8800 Q4 The memory size of the Altair 8800 was (a) 128 bytes (b) 256 bytes (c) 128 Kilo bytes (d) 256 Kilo bytes Q5 This element of Flow Chart is called_____________. (a) Process (b) Process (c) Decision (d) Connector Q6 JavaScript is an example of _____________ language. (a) Object-based (b) Object-oriented (c) Machine (d) Assembly Q7 ____________ interacts directly with the computer Hardware (a) Compiler (b) Operating system (c) Application software (d) Assembler Q8 In Spreadsheets, you can create a relationship between two cells by using _____. (a) (b) (c) (d) Numbers Text Formulas None of the given choices Q9 In spreadsheets, cell address A12 means _______. (a) Row A, Cloumn 12 (b) Row 12, Cloumn A (c) Row 2,Cloumn A1 (d) Row A1, Cloumn 2 Q10 VisiCalc was the first popular _______application on PC’s. (a) Spreadsheet (b) Word processor (c) Presentation (d) Database Q11 __________ is the example of Shrink-wrapped software (a) PIA information system (b) WinZip trial pack (c) Linux (d) MS Word Q12 The key feature of Scientific/Engineering/Graphics applications is ____________ (a) Intense calculations (b) User-friendly (c) Reliability (d) Cost-effective Q13 ERP is a type of ________ ...
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