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Course: Organizational Behavior for Masters of Business Administration students
Topic: Values and personality
Description: An exam submitted and answered by myself originally based on the learnings from the
1. “Forty years ago, young employees we hired were ambitious, conscientious, hardworking, and
honest. Today’s young workers don’t have the same values.” Do you agree or disagree with this
manager’s comments? Defend and support your position. (25 points)
Indeed generations differ from one another (Pearson,2015) however I disagree with the
above statement that new generations don’t have the same values or had negative values. As
what I learned, values are not caused by generation but values are shaped by belief, family,
education and culture (Sielearning, 2009).
In fact millennials found to change workplace for the better (Steinhilber, 2017). Millennials
are ambitious and they are not afraid to do more. They have a lot of ideas and they always sees
themselves on the better position. They aspire structure and accountability and most of them aims
the leadership position (Galvin 2017).
Millennials shows hard work when they know their purpose at work (Steinhilber, 2017).
Since they value career development and acceleration they utilize their talents and strengths to
do what they do best; this greatly impact organizational output.
Just like the other generations, millennials are too honest they are ver straight forward
with what they want such as high salary and perks (Steinhilber, 2017). On the bright side, they
also want colleagues to be honest with them. They are demanding for more feedback for their
growth (Alton, 2018) which I see as the good side of millennials.
With all of this, it shows that they might be in different generations but it’s possible to have
the same values.

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Course: Organizational Behavior for Masters of Business Administration students Topic: Values and personality Description: An exam submitted and answered by myself originally based on the learnings from the discussion. 1. “Forty years ago, young employees we hired were ambitious, conscientious, hardworking, and honest. Today’s young workers don’t have the same values.” Do you agree or disagree with this manager’s comments? Defend and support your position. (25 points) Indeed generations differ from one another (Pearson,2015) however I disagree with the above statement that new gener ...
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