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Lecture gp111 05

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GP111 Elementary Thermodynamics The first law of thermodynamics - Open systems 1 Conservation of mass principle • Mass is conserved property like energy: cannot be created or destroyed. • Einstein formula: Mass and energy converted to each other E = mc 2 Where, m is mass, E is energy and c is speed of light When 1 kg of water forms from oxygen and hydrogen, the amount of energy released is 15879 kJ c = 299,792,458 ms −1  3  10 8 ms −1 m= E c2 = 15,879  1000 (299,792,458)2 J (ms ) −1 2 = 1.76678 10 −10 kg 2 Conservation of mass principle • For a close system, mass of the system remains constant during a process. • For a control volume, mass can be cross the boundaries and we must keep track the mass entering and leaving the system. 3 Mass and volume flow rates • The amount of mass flowing through a cross section per unit time is velocity  called mass flow rate, m • Volume flow rate through a tube, V = VA V • Mass flow rate through a tube,  = V = VA m A • Mass flow rate thought small area dA, Vn  = Vn dA dm • Mass flow rate through the entire cross section, m = Vn dA  dA A 4 Conservation of mass principle • Net mass transfer to or from a system during a process is equal to the net change in the total mass of the system during that process. Total mass entering m in System Total mass leaving mout msystem min − mout = msystem or m in − m out = dmsystem dt ...
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