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Db wk 8 - The author suggests a reinvention of the business model

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DB WK 8 2
The author suggests a reinvention of the business model that should be the main area of
focus for the managers in an organization. Most of the Company enters into the market where
other similar products are being sold. It is very necessary to design the most appropriate strategy
to counter the stiff competition that is there. For example, apple was not the first Company to
introduce the Digital Music Players in the market (Michael, 2011). Other Companies such as
Diamond Multimedia had initially introduced similar products hence the determinant of survival
in the market was the business model to be used. The author suggests the creation of a value
preposition for the customer. Sometimes, business models are invented without first identifying
the customer value. A Company operates successfully by fulfilling the potential value of the
preposition in the most profitable ways.
This is achieved by making use of the key processes and resources that enable the
manager evaluate whether the model currently used achieves the customer’s value preposition
(Huber, 2011). Tata Group used this approach to get the job done. They designed an affordable
scooter that was all weather, specifically for the scooter families. The manager should also
design a proper profit formula. Hilti Company saw a necessity to shift the customer’s assets in
the balance sheet to their own records by using the subscription model. They were able to
generate substantial revenues. The tactics that mangers can use include clarifying decisions in the
right way, ensuring smooth flow of information and proper alignment of motivating factors
(Gary, Karla & Elizabeth, 2008). Decisions that are not clear impede the flow information and
paralyzes the decision making process. In addition, it dissociates presentation from rewards, and
punctual work-around that undermine official reporting lines.

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Running Head: DB WK 8 1 DB WK 8 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation DB WK 8 2 DB WK 8 The author suggests a reinvention of the business model that should be the main area of focus for the managers in an organization. Most of the Company enters into the market where other similar products are being sold. It is very necessary to design the most appropriate strategy to counter the stiff competition that is there. For example, apple was not the first Company to introduce the Digital Music Players in the market (Michael, 2011). Other Companies such as Diamond Multimedia had initially introduced similar products hence the determinant of survival in the market was the business model to be used. The author suggests the creation of a value preposition for the customer. Sometimes, business models are invented without first identifying the customer value. A Company operates successfull ...
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