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Risk mgm1

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Risk Management.
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Risk Management.
With the rising level of globalization experienced in the market today, the companies
need to prepare for high levels of uncertainties. They have begun to reconcile their operations in
preparation for the long-term economic downturn as well as increasing their exposure to the
changing world markets. The aspect of change has brought some uncertainties and challenges
that the companies need to deal with in day-to-day operations. The challenges relate top each
other. The rising level of world debt is an example that has affected some world countries such
as Brazil, which is struggling to deal with it. Apart from the microeconomic challenges, the
cyber attack has also become a challenge to the businesses besides to the Middle East conflicts.
Compliance and regulation
The government and other regulating bodies have continued to pressure the companies to
pursue the low carbon generation (EYGM Limited, 2013). Besides, they have been concerned
with the energy use. The consumers, on the other hand, have increasingly resisted the cost of
energy that are high than ever. The costs are necessary for decarbonization. This kind of conflict
causes a risk in the compliance of the regulations. There has been a frequent change in the
regulatory developments, which is a factor that has led to a high evolution of the risk (Killion, &
Dempski, 2006 ). The companies require strong relationships commitments with the
stakeholders. The management must, therefore, improve their approach to anticipating the future
changes of the regulations to determine how the business may be influenced. The available
opportunity is to enhance the external relationships with the compliance and regulatory bodies.
The regulators dictate the regulations and are significant in shaping the utilities of the business

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Running Head: RISK MANAGEMENT 1 Risk Management. Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation RISK MANAGEMENT 2 Risk Management. With the rising level of globalization experienced in the market today, the companies need to prepare for high levels of uncertainties. They have begun to reconcile their operations in preparation for the long-term economic downturn as well as increasing their exposure to the changing world markets. The aspect of change has brought some uncertainties and challenges that the companies need to deal with in day-to-day operations. The challenges relate top each other. The rising level of world debt is an example that has affected some world countries such as Brazil, which is struggling to deal with it. Apart from the microeconomic challenges, the cyber attack has also become a challenge to the businesses besides to the Middle East conflicts. Compliance and regulation The government and other regulating bodies have continued to pressure the companies to pursue the low carbon generation (EYGM Limited, 2013). Besides, they have been concerned with the energy use. The consumers, on the other hand, have increasingly resisted the cost of energy that are high than ever. The costs are necessary for decarbonization. This kind of conflict causes a risk in the compliance of the regulations. There has been a frequent change in the regulatory developments, which is a factor that has led to a high evolution of the risk (Killion, & Dempski, 2006 ). The companies r ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
