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Six sigma approach

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Recently, some organizations have shown great interest in usage of the six-sigma
approach in an attempt to improve their performance. In its usage, there are two approaches to
implement the strategy, DMAIC and DMADV. If the product exists at the company but not as
per what the customer has specified, the former is applicable. DMADV is applicable if the
product does not meet customer satisfaction after optimization has been done or when the
product is not in existence. The service industry is an example, which has made use of the five-
strategy approach. Citibank for example has applied the six-sigma strategy to minimize cycle
times within the corporation. The concentrated data focus in the service industry often gives rise
to a number of challenges. In the service industry such as health care, the challenge arises when
trying to work out a method to influence data in order to compel human behavior. The indicator
used to define the performance of a health care, namely the clinical excellence, customer
satisfaction, service level and service cost, are challenging to apply in a health care setting.
Finally, overcoming the issue of cultural divergence is difficult due to the varied patients
seeking the service from a common point. Design capacity refers to the output rate or the service
capacity that is designed at a maximum level. On the other hand, effective capacity is a designed
capacity whereby personal and other allowances are excluded. Design capacity is measured at
ideal condition, unlike the effective capacity that is determined under operating constraints. The

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Surname 1 Name Course Tutor Date Discussion Question Recently, some organizations have shown great interest in usage of the six-sigma approach in an attempt to improve their performance. In its usage, there are two approaches to implement the strategy, DMAIC and DMADV. If the product exists at the company but not as per what the customer has specified, the former is applicable. DMADV is applicable if the product does not meet customer satisfaction after optimization has been done or when the product is not in existence. The service industry is an example, which has made use of the fivestrateg ...
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