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Agency deference questio1

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Agency Deference Question
Article one
After many years, the Supreme Court in the United States has decided to reconsider the
agency deference question by focusing on whether the current ambiguity in the agency
interpretation warrants the judicial deference under the past cases. The judicial difference mainly
comprises critical interpretation aid made by the judges, which is essential where the court
requires settling on whether the agency declaration and deeds are within the boundaries of the
enabling statutes. In the article, “Justices to tackle important agency-deference question,” by
Email Amy, Kisor brings attention to the Auer deference by developing sharp arguments against
and for agency deference. The Marine employed Kisor, served as a U.S Marine Corp between
1962 and 1966. He suffered PTSD, and his claim for benefits arising from his trauma could not
be processed by the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Despite being denied these
benefits, Kisor qualified for them when he had new evidence from PTSD diagnosis in 2006. The
VA refused to make his benefits retroactive according to the interpretation of the ‘relevant’
records by 1982. Surprisingly, the Federal Circuit also took sides with VA. Despite the court
feeling that Kisor and VA both qualified for the reasonable treatment in respect to the word
‘relevant’ the Auer bound the court in deferring to the VA’s. Kisor argues that Auer deference
leads to serious constitutional issues. By deferring to the agency interpretation of its regulation, it

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amounts to infringement of the due process, since it denies the people affected a notice of what
they are allowed to do or not.
Under the normal litigation process, the deference level that the court shows to the
agency while arguing the actions committed by the federal agency is essential in predicting the
outcome. This is more common when the case disputes how the agency interprets its own
regulations. In law, it becomes hard to make the judges understand that they must reject the way
an agency interprets its regulations. Thus, the court, through listening to Kisor v. Wilkie oral case
deals with a situation where it needs to determine if it should override the already available
precedent and consequently create new deference standards, which could practically allow
private entities to dispute how an agency interprets its regulation.
The case brought forth by Kisor involves how an agency, VA, interprets its regulations
that guide the process of remitting the disability benefits. Usually, the court tends to emphasize
on the interpretation of the agency regulations unless there are plain errors or inconsistencies in
how an agency interprets its laws. This is oppressing standards for a private litigant who in most
cases, lacks the advance notice of how an agency would interpret its regulations. Despite the U.S
recognizing that it needs to rethink the Auer deference, it had a general feeling that Kisor’s case
was not enough to move this option since the VA would still have emerged dominant.
Article two
The immigration issue has been a hot debate in the U.S mainly because it has sparked
grievous abuse of power in the U.S history. A few people are in doubt on the power of Congress
over immigration. However, today, the belief that Congress has plenary influence over

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject DD MM YYYY Agency Deference Question Article one After many years, the Supreme Court in the United States has decided to reconsider the agency deference question by focusing on whether the current ambiguity in the agency interpretation warrants the judicial deference under the past cases. The judicial difference mainly comprises critical interpretation aid made by the judges, which is essential where the court requires settling on whether the agency declaration and deeds are within the boundaries of the enabling statutes. In the article, “Justices to tackle important agency-deference question,” by Email Amy, Kisor brings attention to the Auer deference by developing sharp arguments against and for agency deference. The Marine employed Kisor, served as a U.S Marine Corp between 1962 and 1966. He suffered PTSD, and his claim for benefits arising from his trauma could not be processed by the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Despite being denied these benefits, Kisor qualified for them when he had new evidence from PTSD diagnosis in 2006. The VA refused to make his benefits retroactive according to the interpretation of the ‘relevant’ records by 1982. Surprisingly, the Federal Circuit also took sides with VA. Despite the court feeling that Kisor and VA both qualified for the reasonable treatment in respect to the word ‘relevant’ the Auer bound the court in deferring to the VA’s. Kisor argues that Auer def ...
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