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Automated vehicle technologie1

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Automated Vehicle Technologies
Brief Introduction to the Innovation
Over the last century, automobile innovation has concentrated on providing securer, fuel-
efficient, cleaner, and reasonably priced automobiles. However, these signs of progress have
remained mainly incremental, until of late when substantial changes have occurred in the
industry through the introduction of autonomous vehicle technology. This technology presents
enormous benefits to society, including saving a life through the reduction of crashes and
congestion. Besides, this technology leads to the creation of environmentally friendly
automobiles. The world hopes to increase mobility for disabled and improve land use if self-
diving automobiles replace ordinary vehicles.
Disruptive Characteristics
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are considered disruptive because they have a tremendous
ability to change the lives of the majority of the people, including the disabled. Usually,
disruptive technology is considered as one that transforms the market by creating simple,
convenient, accessible, and affordable goods. From this conception, autonomous cars fit within
this description. According to Kockelman and Fagnant (167), AVs changes the transportation
system by preventing fatal crashes, increasing mobility for the older adults and people living
with a disability, growing the road capacity, increasing fuel efficiency, and conveniently

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reducing emissions. Additionally, it will cause massive investment in infrastructure, and affect
the travel choices, needs for parking, patterns of land use, and trucking (Kockelman and Fagnant
168). These outcomes make automated vehicle technologies disruptive.
Lack of Understanding
The nature of AVs has always been the cause of disagreement, with some consumers
suspicious of fully automated vehicles. For the majority of the people, and AVs developers,
‘autonomous’ is a confusing term, which has eventually led the regulatory and standard-setting
bodies to shun it. They prefer to include a range of automated vehicles. The more the
automobiles are automated, the more the need for human control decrease. With such kind of an
inverse relationship, Hamish et al. (117-18) note that high level of automation diminishes the
driver’s situational awareness. Indeed, the driver is only required to continually process
information related to how apposite the automobile controls are operating by overseeing the
automated system. This creates the unsuitability of the human operator. Due to various level of
automation, with driverless vehicles being at the topmost level, the technology is often least
understood. Nevertheless, AVs that are not entirely driverless will continue to attract most
consumers, as majorities are wary of entirely alleviating human control. Consumers often look
for mechanized driver assistance and programmed drive modes in some circumstances, but still,
like to retain control over the vehicle.
Market Unpredictability
Automated vehicles promise safer driving. An increase in demand for comfort and
convenience vehicles, especially with countries that faces a high rate of aging populations is
likely to propel the market for AVs. Indeed, the target market includes physically challenged

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Automated Vehicle Technologies Brief Introduction to the Innovation Over the last century, automobile innovation has concentrated on providing securer, fuelefficient, cleaner, and reasonably priced automobiles. However, these signs of progress have remained mainly incremental, until of late when substantial changes have occurred in the industry through the introduction of autonomous vehicle technology. This technology presents enormous benefits to society, including saving a life through the reduction of crashes and congestion. Besides, this technology leads to the creation of environmentally friendly automobiles. The world hopes to increase mobility for disabled and improve land use if selfdiving automobiles replace ordinary vehicles. Disruptive Characteristics Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are considered disruptive because they have a tremendous ability to change the lives of the majority of the people, including the disabled. Usually, disruptive technology is considered as one that transforms the market by creating simple, convenient, accessible, and affordable goods. From this conception, autonomous cars fit within this description. According to Kockelman and Fagnant (167), AVs changes the transportation system by preventing fatal crashes, increasing mobility for the older adults and people living with a disability, growing the road capacity, increasing fuel efficiency, and conveniently Surname 2 reducing emissions. ...
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