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The Learning Team Charter is provided as a tool to encourage effective team collaboration. Please refer back to the
Learning Team Charter as you complete each of the Learning Team assignments for your class. June 2010
Course Title
BSCOM/460: Ethics and Communication
Team Members/Contact Information
Time zone and
Availability During the Week
Josh Martin
Ctr time 3-9 mon-fri. Sun all day
Central, Mon-Sun
Team Ground Rules and Guidelines
What are the general expectations for all members of the team?
To complete their portion of an assignment in a timely manner, which is by Sunday so there is at least
one day for corrections. To have their portion consist of substantive, well-written material. All
assignments should be put through Grammarly (in our Library) to ensure all grammar mistakes are taken
care of. APA can be tricky sometimes. Ask the team about any questions you might have. Each portion
should be put through the Plagiarism Checker to.
Kellie: responsible communication __________________________________________________________________
Expectations for Time Management and Involvement
(Participation, communication with the team, accessibility, etc.)
Each team member should communicate on their days of availability to ensure the assignment is being
done correctly and efficiently.
Each member will take an equal portion. They will tell their teammates well in advance of any issues that
would stop them from turning in their assignment by Sunday. ____________________________________________
Kellie: Members should submit their portions on time ___________________________________________________
Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration

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The Learning Team Charter is provided as a tool to encourage effective team collaboration. Please refer back to the
Learning Team Charter as you complete each of the Learning Team assignments for your class. June 2010
What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating
appropriately? Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing
and collaborating effectively. How will the team manage conflicts between team members?
Open and constructive dialogue is necessary for us to become stronger writers. Please do not assume
that when you turn your assignment in that it is done. All teammates should look over each other’s work
to offer ideas for changes or to simply tell them “good job”. ____________________________________________
Kellie: positive feedback on member’s part will motivate everybody to work collaboratively _____________________

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LEARNING TEAM CHARTER – TEAM Group 2 BSCOM/460: Ethics and Communication Course Title Team Members/Contact Information Name Phone Time zone and Availability During the Week Josh Martin 303-8452498 Ctr time 3-9 mon-fri. Sun all day 305-4070058 Central, Mon-Sun TamekaEban ks Email Team Ground Rules and Guidelines What are the general expectations for all members of the team? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ To complete their portion of an assignment in a timely manner, which is by Sunday so there is at least one day for corrections. To have their portion consist of substantive, well-written material. All assignments should be put through Grammarly (in our Library) to ensure all grammar mistakes are taken care of. APA can be tricky sometimes. Ask the team about any questio ...
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