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Ethical Decision- Making Model
Tameka KellsEbanks
July15, 2019
Dr. Nicole Kragt

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Ethical Decision- Making Model
Ethics is elemental to a thoughtful decision-making process. It aids in nurturing and
developing better relationships across diverse cultures and media channels. Ethical
communication also entails accepting responsibility for the information conveyed through speech
and signs, as well as the consequence of an individual’s communication. The aspect of ethics in
communication indubitably threatens the wellbeing of community members. Failure to observe
ethics in communication makes people question the integrity of the communicator, and
consequently, the credibility of the information or message given.
Usually, the issues of right or wrong actions arise during the process of communication.
Therefore, ethical communication is essential in directing responsible thinking. Significant use of
ethics in communication is directing the nature of communication. Ethics advocates that
communication exhibit truthfulness, integrity, and accuracy. These values are vital in building
relationships and showing revere for the differences between communicators.
There are several ethical decision-making models, as discussed below.
Kant’s Categorical Imperative
The German Philosopher, Emanuel Kant, developed Kant’s Categorical Imperative in
1724 to define what continued moral action (Miller & Cross, 2007). The underlying concept in
the model is that people should act in a way, which they may wish their action might be
universalized. Kant believed that when an individual does an action, it is prudent to undertake
self-examination of the action to determine if it was right that all people repeat the action. Kant’s
Categorical Imperative, therefore calls for people to act reasonably, in a manner that does not

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Running head: ETHICAL DECISION- MAKING MODEL Ethical Decision- Making Model Tameka KellsEbanks BSCOM/460 July15, 2019 Dr. Nicole Kragt 1 ETHICAL DECISION- MAKING MODEL 2 Ethical Decision- Making Model Ethics is elemental to a thoughtful decision-making process. It aids in nurturing and developing better relationships across diverse cultures and media channels. Ethical communication also entails accepting responsibility for the information conveyed through speech and signs, as well as the consequence of an individual’s communication. The aspect of ethics in communication indubitably threatens the wellbeing of community members. Failure to observe ethics in communication makes people question the integrity of the communicator, and consequently, the credibility of the information or message given. Usually, the issues of right or wrong actions arise during the process of communication. Therefore, ethical communication is essential in directing responsible thinking. Significant use of ethics in communication is directing the nature of communication. Ethics advocates that communication exhibit truthfulness, integrity, and accuracy. These values are vital in building relationships and showing revere for the differences between communicators. There are several ethical decision-making models, as discussed below. Kant’s Categorical Imperative The German Philosopher, Emanuel Kant, developed Kant’s Categorical Imperative in 1724 to define what continued moral action (Miller ...
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