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Innovative communication technology1

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Innovative Communication Technology
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Innovative Communication Technology
Technology today has caused a complete overhaul of the news and media houses. Indeed
technology is a valuable tool that determines how an organization undertakes their public
relation marketing tasks, including how the media houses interact with critical stakeholders in
the society. News technology has led to a rapid change of traditional news delivery in favor of
the new approach to divulging the news.
Innovative communication technologies have transformed the speed and cost of the news.
Technology has led to the spread of the usage of the internet hence growing the chances of
sending emails or chats. Cumulatively, the growth of conversations and emails has led to an
increase in the speed with which news is shared. Initially, spreading of news involved typing the
message using a typewriter and printing documents before sending them. Often, this was a slow
method of spreading the information, aside from being costly.
Innovative communication technologies have also increased the quality of news (Peng,
2017). Currently, there is a considerable amount of information that can be quickly accessed just
through a single mouse click. It is even much easier to translate news in one language to multiple
other languages. Consequently, it is easier to follow news in Arabic, English, or Chinese from
the language one understands most, using the internet. Innovative technologies permeate storage
and retrieval of news when needed. Information can be rewind to clear ambiguity or wrong
assumptions. All these activities boost its quality.
Organizations are using innovative communication technologies to change the style of
news delivery (Khosrow-Pour & IGI Global, 2019). Technology has enabled the creation of new
gadgets for communication, such as mobile phones. Phones may be underestimated in reference

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Running head: INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Innovative Communication Technology Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 2 Innovative Communication Technology Technology today has caused a complete overhaul of the news and media houses. Indeed technology is a valuable tool that determines how an organization undertakes their public relation marketing tasks, including how the media houses interact with critical stakeholders in the society. News technology has led to a rapid change of traditional news delivery in favor of the new approach to divulging the news. Innovative communication technologies have transformed the speed and cost of the news. Technology has led to the spread of the usage of the internet hence growing the chances of sending emails or chats. Cumulatively, the growth of conversations and emails has led to an increase in the speed with which news is shared. Initially, spreading of news involved typing the message using a typewriter and printing documents before sending them. Often, this was a slow method of spreading the information, aside from being costly. Innovative communication technologies have also increased the quality of news (Peng, 2017). Currently, there is a considerable amount of information that can be quickly accessed just through a single mouse click. It is even much easier to translate news in one language to multiple other languages. Consequently, it is easier to follow news in Arabic, English ...
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