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Lead like jesu1

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Lead Like Jesus
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Lead Like Jesus
A Brief Summary
The authors of the book ‘Lead like Jesus,’ Phil Hodges and Ken Blanchard argues that
any successful leadership model must exhibit the characters of Jesus Christ, who was a true
servant leader. Therefore, they discuss the four main fields and how they model a person into
becoming a better leader. They include the heart, which is a key motivator and representation of
the inner character. The second framework is the head that harbors beliefs and views of what
constitutes leadership. Third, they discuss the hands, which set goals and evaluate performance
to ensure it’s consistent with the followers. Finally, the habits determine how one behaves in line
with predictable disciplines. The author's main idea is that servant leadership should be
compared against Jesus Christ, who was an excellent servant leader.
Three New Leadership Concepts
While reading the book, there were several leadership concepts revealed in the first
chapter. One of these leadership theories is bureaucratic leadership. Bureaucratic leaders tend to
listen to the people and regard their input but reject input if it contradicts their policy and
believes (Bass, 2009; Terry, 2003). Jesus, through his deed, was instrumental in saving the lives
of the people. He never isolated himself from them, but in most of the time, he interacted with
his followers positively. He also showed love to those who disagreed with him. However, he
never changed his message for people to accept him.
Transactional leaders are believed to motivate their followers through reward and
punishment. Transactional theorists believe that followers intend to maximize the pleasurable
experience and reduce the un-pleasurable ones (Avolio & Bass, 2002). In Luke 5:10, Jesus

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Running head: LEAD LIKE JESUS 1 Lead Like Jesus Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation LEAD LIKE JESUS 2 Lead Like Jesus A Brief Summary The authors of the book ‘Lead like Jesus,’ Phil Hodges and Ken Blanchard argues that any successful leadership model must exhibit the characters of Jesus Christ, who was a true servant leader. Therefore, they discuss the four main fields and how they model a person into becoming a better leader. They include the heart, which is a key motivator and representation of the inner character. The second framework is the head that harbors beliefs and views of what constitutes leadership. Third, they discuss the hands, which set goals and evaluate performance to ensure it’s consistent with the followers. Finally, the habits determine how one behaves in line with predictable disciplines. The author's main idea is that servant leadership should be compared against Jesus Christ, who was an excellent servant leader. Three New Leadership Concepts While reading the book, there were several leadership concepts revealed in the first chapter. One of these leadership theories is bureaucratic leadership. Bureaucratic leaders tend to listen to the people and regard their input but reject input if it contradicts their policy and believes (Bass, 2009; Terry, 2003). Jesus, through his deed, was instrumental in saving the lives of the people. He never isolated himself from them, but in most of the time, he interacted with his followers positively. He ...
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