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Memphis budge1

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Memphis Budget
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Memphis Budget
I. From which taxes does this jurisdiction receive most of its revenue?
Memphis is considered the largest city along the Mississippi River. It is located in Shelby
County, Tennessee. It is home to the majority of the African American population. The proposed
budget for the city in the financial year 2019 is $685.3 million. This does not reflect any tax
increase from the previous period. However, the property tax shows a reduction in certified
taxes. This reduction occurred due to fewer appeal for property taxes in comparisons to what the
financial planners anticipated when setting the original rates. With an indication of an increase of
natural revenues, Memphis is able to undertake careful planning to cater to the needs of its
people and fulfill its priorities.
The local taxes in Memphis form the most significant source of revenues for the city. For
instance, in the financial year 2019, the city anticipates collecting local taxes amounting to over
$620 million. The state taxes follow with the expected amount to be collected, reaching slightly
over $102 million. Among the various sources of local taxes, property tax revenues form the
largest share of revenues from a single source. This tax is levied on the basis of the value of the
property that has been adequately assessed. The various types of property that qualify for this
taxation include real properties. These include land and structures as well as improvements
undertaken on leasehold. Personal properties that include business equipment also form the other
category of property tax. However, inventories held for resale are exempted. Additionally, public
utility property, including real and personal properties, also contributes to property tax revenues.
Alongside other local taxes, the property taxes revenues contribute the largest share of levies
needed for the budget to be operational.

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Running head: MEMPHIS BUDGET 1 Memphis Budget Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation MEMPHIS BUDGET 2 Memphis Budget I. From which taxes does this jurisdiction receive most of its revenue? Memphis is considered the largest city along the Mississippi River. It is located in Shelby County, Tennessee. It is home to the majority of the African American population. The proposed budget for the city in the financial year 2019 is $685.3 million. This does not reflect any tax increase from the previous period. However, the property tax shows a reduction in certified taxes. This reduction occurred due to fewer appeal for property taxes in comparisons to what the financial planners anticipated when setting the original rates. With an indication of an increase of natural revenues, Memphis is able to undertake careful planning to cater to the needs of its people and fulfill its priorities. The local taxes in Memphis form the most significant source of revenues for the city. For instance, in the financial year 2019, the city anticipates collecting local taxes amounting to over $620 million. The state taxes follow with the expected amount to be collected, reaching slightly over $102 m ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
