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Paid parental leav1

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Paid Parental Leave
After reading the 2018 surveys, I find paid parental leave, specifically paid maternity
leave surprising. Like any other benefits such as paid paternity, adoption, foster child leave, and
surrogacy leave, the article finds that the benefits have been on an upward trajectory since 2016.
Maternity leave, according to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is granted for twelve
weeks in a year.
What I find surprising is that twelve weeks is barely enough for most women since
raising a child at that time is extremely difficult. What is worse is that most of the women are
forced to resume work only after two weeks. The company or the unforgiving economic
conditions in the country may either compel them to go back. It is surprising that only about 10%
of the women perfectly suits the 12 weeks paid leave, while nearly 40 percent do not qualify for
the FMLA. I decided to share this observation because I witnessed my neighbor return to work in
less than two weeks after having her first child. Despite having a paid leave, she said that the
benefits could not meet her basic needs, and the bills were growing. She said her situation was
better, in comparison to one of her workmate whom they were granted the leave together. Her
friend had worked less than a year and gave birth through a C-section. She did not qualify for the
leave; thus, she had to go back to work after two weeks. Indeed, her situation reflected the plight

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject DD MM YYYY Paid Parental Leave After reading the 2018 surveys, I find paid parental leave, specifically paid maternity leave surprising. Like any other benefits such as paid paternity, adoption, foster child leave, and surrogacy leave, the article finds that the benefits have been on an upward trajectory since 2016. Maternity leave, according to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is granted for twelve weeks in a year. What I find surprising is that twelve weeks is barely enough for most women since raising a child at that time is extre ...
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