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Reflection on my career assessmen1

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Reflection on My Career Assessment
Being in a management career is one of the elemental things I feel I have accomplished in
life. Before I started my journey, I was entirely anxious about what I would become in the future.
In fact, I was swayed by several factors. For instance, I was torn between pursuing passion and
money. I finally realized that I would have performance predicaments if my motivation in my
career would not be my zeal. My career assessment results have helped me affirm that deciding
on becoming a management professional was the best ever choice I made in life that would
undoubtedly influence me positively.
On the first preferences, which include Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I), the
assessment reveals that I prefer introversion. My first letter is I. based on the second preference
that includes sensing (S) or intuition (N), I do prefer sensing. Subject to the third preferences that
encapsulate thinking, (T) or feeling (F) preferences the assessment indicates that I fancy
thinking. Finally, in the fourth preferences, Judging (J) or perceiving (P), my inclination tends
towards judging.
A fascinating thing about the test is that it has helped me to realize my characters
objectively. This would be hard to find if a subjective person gave out the feedback. Of
importance to me is that I realize I have attributes that will primarily furnish my management
tasks, and additionally help me relate well with my employees. The fact that the test reveals I am

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an introvert gives me some mixed reaction. First, it impresses me that I have a natural preference
for working with idea and concept. As a manager, I will be required to address diverse problems
as they arise. Besides, I will need to have a higher level of flexibility to facilitate faster decision-
making. With high competition, there is a need for better red ocean strategies, financial choices,
and technical decision, which will keep the business going. Introverts are considered to make
decisions without talking. In the management career, introversion behavior will help me to make
thoughtful, logic, and faster decision to address problems as they arise. However, I sometimes
believe that it is worth considering other people’s viewpoint. With the rampant campaign for
diversity and the notion that a diverse workforce contributes the best ideas, I see introversion as a
limitation for new and better ideas.
As a manager, I am confident that I will be required to work with details and realistic
things. This will necessarily help in starting new projects that frequently lead to the growth of a
business. It is prudent to always have a clear and realistic outlook of the success of a venture.
Success in business depends on how the leaders see opportunities and capitalize on them. The
assessment reveals that I am sensible, which resonates well with the management position.
Practical details will be necessary for making decisions to invest or acquire other business, the
market to target, and the supply chain to integrate within the business. I believe that any
development activity I will be making will be pegged to an anticipation of a revenue stream.
Hence, every choice will weigh on the company, my management position, and career.
Before taking the test, I knew I fancied organized work. I have always tried to look
structured in my talks. Therefore, I prepare for ideas in advance, if I intend to hold meaningful
discussions. However, I was a little surprised to find out that I have a high preference for
activities focused on getting things done. Where I make decisions quickly, my desire is not to

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Reflection on My Career Assessment Being in a management career is one of the elemental things I feel I have accomplished in life. Before I started my journey, I was entirely anxious about what I would become in the future. In fact, I was swayed by several factors. For instance, I was torn between pursuing passion and money. I finally realized that I would have performance predicaments if my motivation in my career would not be my zeal. My career assessment results have helped me affirm that deciding on becoming a management professional was the best ever choice I made in life that would undoubtedly influence me positively. On the first preferences, which include Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I), the assessment reveals that I prefer introversion. My first letter is I. based on the second preference that includes sensing (S) or ...
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