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The history of behavioral health1

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The History of Behavioral Health
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The History of Behavioral Health
Behavioral health is considered as a central part of the overall well-being of a person.
Certainly, behavioral health is equally essential as physical health, as it includes emotional,
social, and psychological well-being. This includes the well-being of the mind, spirit, and body.
Mental health addresses similar issues that are the focus in behavioral health; hence, they
reference behavioral health through the terms -mental health. However, behavioral health study
emotions and behavior in a person that relates to their mental well-being, and capacity to
function normally in the daily chores. A person who grapples with his/her behavioral health
manifests symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and depression in addition to issues with an
association, angst, and craving. Behavioral health includes all the efforts towards mental
wellness, including addressing substance abuse, behavior, and other forces influencing
Throughout history, the health of the mind, body, and spirit has been associated with
three theories, namely, supernatural, somatogenic, and psychogenic. The supernatural theory
explains evil as a source of mental problems. Besides, it associates behavioral problems to
demonic spirits in the universe, transgression curse, eclipse, miserable gods, and gravitation of
the planet. On the other hand, somatogenic theory attributes behavioral issues to illness arising
from genetic inheritance, or damage of the mind. Finally, psychogenic theories attribute mental
issues to trauma and stressful experiences.
In 1843, William Sweetzer first used the term mental hygiene, which formed a
background for the development of behavioral health. Following the end of the American Civil
War, the increase in the sanitary condition became even more. Consequently, Dr. Gray, a

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Running head: THE HISTORY OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH The History of Behavioral Health Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 THE HISTORY OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 2 The History of Behavioral Health Behavioral health is considered as a central part of the overall well-being of a person. Certainly, behavioral health is equally essential as physical health, as it includes emotional, social, and psychological well-being. This includes the well-being of the mind, spirit, and body. Mental health addresses similar issues that are the focus in behavioral health; hence, they reference behavioral health through the terms -mental health. However, behavioral health study emotions and behavior in a person that relates to their mental well-being, and capacity to function normally in the daily chores. A person who grapples with his/her behavioral health manifests symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and depression in addition to issues with an association, angst, and craving. Behavioral health includes all the efforts towards mental wellness, including addressing substance abuse, behavior, and other forces influencing performance. Throughout history, the health of the mind, body, and spirit has been associated with three theories, namely, supernatural, somatogenic, and psychogenic. The supernatural theory explains evil as a source of mental problems. Besides, it associates behavioral problems to demonic spirits in the universe, transgression curse, eclipse, miserable gods, and gravitation of t ...
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