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Final year topic myofascial exam multiple choice questions and answers

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Final Year Topic Paper Myofascial Questions And Answers
1. Trigger points in the posterior fibres of the gluteus minimus are most likely to refer to which
of the following areas?
Select one:
a. Down the lateral thigh and the leg to the lateral malleolus
b. Down the back of the leg and over the lateral head of the gastrocnemius
c. Over itself and into the groin
d. Popliteal fossa
e. Across the top of the iliac crest and up into the lower flank
2. Semimembranosus is most likely to refer pain to which of the following areas?
Select one:
a. Gluteal fold
b. Sole of the foot
c. Over the inferior third of the posterior calf
d. Gluteal crease
e. Popliteal fossa
3. Rectus abdominis classically exhibits which of the following trigger point referral patterns?
Select one:
a. Pain referring loin to groin
b. Pain that runs superior to inferior through the abdomen
c. Band of pain across the back at the same level as the trigger point
d. An well locaised sharp pain
e. Pain over the pudenda

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4. Pseudo thoracic outlet syndrome can be caused by trigger points in a combination of
muscles. Whcih of the muscles listed below is NOT thought to contribute to this condition?
Select one:
a. Latissimus dorsi
b. Subscapularis
c. Subclavius
d. Teres major
e. Pectoralis major
5. The clavicvular division of sternocleidomastoid classically refers to all the following areas
Select one:
a. Contralateral frontal bone
b. Inside the ipsilateral ear
c. Ipsilateral frontal bone
d. Ipsilateral mastoid area
e. Parietal bone
6. Which of the following muscles is most likely to replicate the pain associated with an ankle
inversion sprian?
Select one:
a. Fibularis tertius
b. Fibularis brevis
c. Fibularis longus
d. Plantaris
e. Quadratus plantae

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Final Year Topic Paper Myofascial Questions And Answers 1. Trigger points in the posterior fibres of the gluteus minimus are most likely to refer to which of the following areas? Select one: a. Down the lateral thigh and the leg to the lateral malleolus b. Down the back of the leg and over the lateral head of the gastrocnemius c. Over itself and into the groin d. Popliteal fossa e. Across the top of the iliac crest and up into the lower flank 2. Semimembranosus is most likely to refer pain to which of the following areas? Select one: a. Gluteal fold b. Sole of the foot c. Over the inferior third of the posterior calf d. Gluteal crease e. Popliteal fossa 3. Rectus abdominis classically exhibits which of the following trigger point referral patterns? Select one: a. Pain referring loin to groin b. Pain that runs superior to inferior through the abdomen c. Band of pain across the back at the same level as the trigger point d. An well locaised sharp pain e. Pain over the pudenda 4. Pseudo thoracic outlet syndrome can be caused by trigger points in a combination of muscles. Whcih of the muscles listed below is NOT thought to contribute to this condition? Select one: a. Latissimus dorsi b. Subscapularis c. Subclavius d. Teres major e. Pectoralis major 5. The clavicvular division of sternocleidomastoid classically refers to all the following areas EXCEPT: Select one: a. Contralateral frontal bone b. Inside the ipsilateral ear c. Ipsilateral frontal bone d. Ipsilateral mastoid a ...
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