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Complete neurologic and orthopaedic conditions spreadsheet 1

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CONDITIO N Who effect TRANSIENT OA OA CDH TRANSIENT SYNOVITIS LEGG CALVE PERTHES AVASCULAR NECROSIS SUFE SA APOPHYSEAL INJURIES Middle aged > 50 earlier if trauma 0 to 4, F:M 6:1 4 to 8 4 to 8 MC Male 30 - 50 10 to 15 MC male Any 14 - 25 Child athlete Unkown eitology Descri px incr for period pof months and tion then grad decr Types Femerol H disclocates post & sup Males, Female in 3rd trimester of preg Clinica Spontanous onset l of hip px , featur evidence of es changes on xray Px groin, buttock, Sympt thigh, worse with oms weight bearing BL in 1/3 Activity realated, groin and nocturnal px Insidious onset of grion pain or no specific hip pain BL 50% Pain increases to excrutating level gradual onsent of px no clear Hx if injury or sudden violent muscle contraction /excess repetive action Limp Painful groin, hip, thigh or knee unable to walk or bear weight, Severe pain in groin & med thigh, fever Px Iliac crest, ASIS, AIIS Painful limitation of hip motion assoc Abd IR Reproduce px, Reproduction of pain All movement limited esp psoas spasm, Rom Rom restricted esp IR on IR and decreaed Abd & IR restricted esp IR and and abd rom abd Drehmanns sign + Spasms of Hip Muscles, All movements limited. Drehmann sign +/- Localised tenderness on stretching Eccymosis, palpable tenderness at bony sites. Hx Trauma or URTI Hip, groin px Limp Limited Abduction, Tight adductors, short leg DDX Avascular necrosis, pos due to trauma. grion pain and normal r ...
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