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Thesis statement notes

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Kristine EFAPP Finals THESIS STATEMENT… • • • • • is a declarative statement and is not a question. a simple sentence that makes a statement or expression, attitude, condition, opinion, position or feeling about the subject. unifies the facts and information of an argument by describing the overall purpose. predicts or forecasts what the essay will discuss. the central or the main point of the essay. 1. TOPIC • It is the general the topic of the text or essay. • Mention the main topic of your paper. Example: a. Coronavirus b. Coronavirus lockdown 2. POSITION • “controlling idea”; view or opinion or feeling about the topic. • Take a position. Example: a. People should strictly follow health protocols b. has led people 3. SUB-TOPIC • Must follow the position. • State your argument Example: a. to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. b. to serious psychological and emotional problems. Example of a strong thesis statement: a. People should strictly follow health protocols to prevent the spread of the coronavirus b. Coronavirus lockdown has led people to serious psychological and emotional problems. • • Start with a question. “What would you lik ...
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