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Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) Introduction Electroencephalography in study of electrical electrical EEG of graphical recording ) + : • • in activities of activities of Brain to analyze gram German psychiatrist Hans Berger the EEG waves systematically and ° referred Berger as Significance -07 ° ° Useful in EEG paten in • in ( Disorders (3) Subdural hematoma over unopened by piercing Electrodes Waves . can of discharge of disorder impulses ) : electrodes scalp skull into used instrument the or brain unipolar be EEG . EEG in called a over from the to record EEG instrument the brain . are after opening . bipolar . : - ° Electrical activity de synchronized ° In regular person ( as ( bi (c) a by recorded waves Rhythm p Rhythm S Rhythm , EEG may have synchronized or . E . are of midbrain ...
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