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Critical analysis on the film my brooklyn

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Running head: MY BROOKLYN 1
Critical Analysis on the film ‘’My Brooklyn’’
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Critical Analysis on the film ‘’My Brooklyn’’
There are various themes and major concepts that are evident in the film ‘’My Brooklyn’’
with gentrification being one of them. As seen in the film, gentrification results in negative and
positive benefits to community. This topic has been widely covered as the film portrays a good
picture exhibited through how people are been affected by developments and continuously
changing and making huge difference in forming new neighborhood. Brooklyn has been used as
the example and fits perfect since people in the community are always coming in as others are
going out from the city (Callam, 2016). There are different ideas in the movie that support the
theme of gentrification. It is clear that not all the residents are adapting so well to the
developments that are being made in the city. Large businesses are seen to be coming up and
replacing the small ones. This has influenced even more people from various parts of the country
who try hard to come and live in the new area as others want to stay near the city.
According to the movie, Gentrification is both a good and bad phenomena (DeSena,
2012). One of its negative sides is that it causes displacement of people as only those who have
the ability to afford the new life can survive leaving those without the necessary finances to
vacate. Gentrification brings out a lot of impact in the way of living that the people are used to in
the urban area. Development in the urban area results to many going through different losses in
their lives hence depicts what’s going on in the whole country as the citizens are advocating for
change without bearing in mind the effects that it would have on personal lives of those
disadvantaged (DeSena, 2012). The documentary clearly explains how the upper class flourish
without keeping in mind the needs and interests of the middle and the low class.

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Running head: MY BROOKLYN 1 Critical Analysis on the film ‘’My Brooklyn’’ Student`s Name: Institutional Affiliations: MY BROOKLYN 2 Critical Analysis on the film ‘’My Brooklyn’’ There are various themes and major concepts that are evident in the film ‘’My Brooklyn’’ with gentrification being one of them. As seen in the film, gentrification results in negative and positive benefits to community. This topic has been widely covered as the film portrays a good picture exhibited through how people are been affected by developments and continuously changing and making huge difference in forming new neighborhood. Brooklyn has been used as the example and fits perfect since people in the community are always coming in as others are going out from the city (Callam, 2016). There are different ideas in the movie that support the theme of gentrification. It is clear that not all the residents are adapting so well to the developments that are being made in the city. Large businesses are seen to be coming up and replacing the small ones. This has influenced even more people from various parts of the country who try hard to come and live in the new area as others wan ...
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