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Human and supernatural in milton s poems

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Human/Supernatural in Milton`s Poems
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Human/Supernatural in Milton`s Poems
There are aspects of humanistic life and others which are supernatural in nature in L
Allegro and Il Penseroso poem by john Milton. L Allegro part talks of how people can naturally
mingle in the open air. It also shows how the supernatural goddess of happiness maybe rejected
or wanted by the mind. The speaker suggests that the goddess Melancholy is highly needed by
the people who only believe in superstition saying they are the highly troubled people. However,
the persona calls on the god of laughter and happiness (Euphrosyne) of whom he needs to help
him through a hard day. From this part,’ though goddess fair and free’ we see that his day goes
on very well and in an orderly manner giving him full happiness.
The Speaker talks of how village people in the society dwell in living a simple life
whereby they can’t spend a lot of time telling tales whilst looking after their flock. The people
discussed in the poem live from a humanistic view of life whereby as the day ends they play
football together and later try to chat together. ‘And the busie humm of men’ refers the urbanity
life where people don’t tell stories for free as they are paid for their work to support their city life
(Milton, 1892). `There let Hymen oft appear’ talks of how artists are said to be inspired by the
Greek god leading to them referring to other artists in the process of their artistic nature.
In the second part of Il Penseroso who is referred to as the thoughtful one, suggests that
happy state of a person leads to another state of carefree which is said to the most problematic
state of a happy person. The persona talks of how comfortable people are not suppressed by
challenges enough to make them think of how to come up with eligible solutions in life. This
gives them the title of an idle mind due to their incapability of thinking critically at an event of

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Running head: HUMAN/SUPERNATURAL Human/Supernatural in Milton`s Poems Student`s Name: Institutional Affiliations: 1 HUMAN/SUPERNATURAL 2 Human/Supernatural in Milton`s Poems There are aspects of humanistic life and others which are supernatural in nature in L Allegro and Il Penseroso poem by john Milton. L Allegro part talks of how people can naturally mingle in the open air. It also shows how the supernatural goddess of happiness maybe rejected or wanted by the mind. The speaker suggests that the goddess Melancholy is highly needed by the people who only believe in superstition saying they are the highly troubled people. However, the persona calls on the god of laughter and happiness (Euphrosyne) of whom he needs to help him through a hard day. From this part,’ though goddess fair and free’ we see that his day goes on very well and in an orderly manner giving him full happiness. The Speaker talks of how village people in the society dwell in living a simple life whereby they can’t spend a lot of time telling tales whilst looking after their flock. The people discussed in the poem live from a humanistic view of life whereby as the day ends they play football together and later try to chat together. ‘And the busie humm of men’ refers the urbanity life where people don’t tell stories for free as they are paid for their work to support their city life (Milton, 1892). `There let Hymen oft appear’ talks of how artists are said to be inspired by the Greek god le ...
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