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Management information system 1

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Strategies of customer management by a company help a lot the company to detail information of their
esteemed customers. This helps in making improvements in the company’s marketing schemes. For
instance when the company puts in to considerations customers management they are able to improve
on their sales and combat any decline in sales. Through this knowledge of the customer by the company
it’s easy to identify personal information of the customer; his/her purchase history on company’s
products, buying preferences and his concerns about the products offered by the company. So through
these relationship strategies, the companies are acquinted with knowhow of the consumer products
and thus easy identification of changes by the consumer terms of needs and changes in prices of certain
Through this reports compiled of the customer by the company it makes it simple for the company to
check on demerits to improve to ensure that customers are well mentained.For example through
acquisition of personal information of the customer the company is able to remind the customer on new
products on the market ,changes in management staff and serving personnel’s and new ventures of the
company interms of branches which will ensure easy product delivery to the customers .this can be
done through emailing, texting and calling of the customer by the company staff.Throgh this it’s easy to
view the most preferable products by consumers and the rate at which the customer purchases goods
from the company.
Buying preferences, test and concerns by the customer also improves on sales and maximizing profits.
Through this the company is able to identify particular add of the products which will improve
consumption of the good and also increase the rage of customers going for the same product. Good
relationship schemes helps the company acquire approval of its goods not only from the customers but
also by the general public thus regular consumers and new consumers venture in purchase of those
goods thus making the company control sales decline and improve on profit margins.

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CRM system
Major features
Approx cost
Major points of
reference(good or
Base CRM
Cloud computing
Mobile enterprise
Sales intelligence
Web based
Sales science
$30 million
Forbes (February
2013) recognized
base CRM as one of
10 mobile apps to
organize your
business (7)
Fortune (October
2014) positioned
base as the next
major disruptor in
the CRM major space
dynamic CRM
Sales, marketing and
service sectors
IIS-based web
$20 million
Microsoft dynamics
marketing of 2015
update announced
the availability of
CRM cloud service
specifically for us
government for
FedRAMP compliance
Pivotal CRM
Tools for sales force
Contain Microsoft
office,outlook and
Microsoft share
$60 million
In 2009 CDC software
was awarded the
Microsoft partner of
the year for
solutions, office
development on
strength of pivotal
CRM solutions (18).
Sage CRM
Ensure good health
care, manufacture
of products and
payment processing
amsradam PCW
word processor
$15 million
In 2002 entered CRM
contact management
market and won
business awards’ of
the year in national

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MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (a) Strategies of customer management by a company help a lot the company to detail information of their esteemed customers. This helps in making improvements in the company’s marketing schemes. For instance when the company puts in to considerations customers management they are able to improve on their sales and combat any decline in sales. Through this knowledge of the customer by the company it’s easy to identify personal information of the customer; his/her purchase history on company’s products, buying preferences and his concerns about the products offered by the company. So through these relationship strategies, the companies are acquinted with knowhow of the consumer products and thus easy identification of changes by the consumer terms of needs and changes in prices of certain goods. Through this reports compiled of the customer by the compa ...
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Really useful study material!
