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Money in women in love and the great gatsby

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Money in Women in Love and The Great Gatsby
In the two novels money has been clearly brought out as the main agent of
industrialization and advanced capitalism. Characters have portrayed the various ways through
which money has acted as a motivator of modern life. For instance, Cudrum is seen to be dressed
in fancy clothes and looks pretty and appealing too. She is so attractive when she comes back
from the city of London (Lawrence, 55) where she had secured a job in the art school. Money is
also a tool that makes people be regarded as superior than others. They are those that are treated
better than others. This is seen where a star is placed in front of the gate at the place where the
wedding reception was to be held and this is as the car carrying the bride came to drop her. The
guests are also seen to be making their way into the weeding through the red carpet (Lawrence,
113). The carriage of the bride is decorated so as to make it presentable and of class.
On the other hand, in The Great Gatsby book, Nick grandfather’s brother was able to find
a war replacement through money and even later was capable of opening up a hardware business
which became the foot of their family business. Nick also acquired great education from New
Haven due to money his father had which privileged him until graduating (Fitzgerald, 5). Also,
Nick was able to get a great house by the beach and even bought banking, credit and investment
securities which were a bit expensive (Fitzgerald, 6). On the other hand Gatsby had a great
mansion with a swimming pool and a huge garden which he enjoyed as he was a millionaire
(Fitzgerald, 7). Tom was able to get polo ponies due to all cash that he had.

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From the Women in Love novel, the dining area made the people to be in astonished state
at the wedding. The place was very appealing and confortable. The cake was dropped slowly at
the dining area where it was filled with various types of wines (Lawrence, 133). The bridegroom
smoked cigars during the wedding (Lawrence, 39) showing the aspect of a certain social class
and the level which he belonged to. Gerald installs an electric model which was meant for
providing enough light in the house. These made the house present all manners of advancement
during those times (Lawrence, 264). Where as in the other novel, the family of the writer was
able to enjoy the pleasure of staying in another country for over a year (Fitzgerald, 8). Tom also
had a huge mansion with library inside it (Fitzgerald, 19). He too had a mistress with who he
moved around with at prestigious restaurants (Fitzgerald, 27). Tom bought his girl a puppy and
even gave her money to buy ten more of such if she wished to (Fitzgerald, 31).
Birkin is told to go to London. He had not yet adjusted to his new routine but he was
supposed to go despite that. He is a man with many rooms in his house which some were empty.
His place of work was situated in the town center (Lawrence, 270).When it came to drinking, a
single glass of wine could make Halliday drunk. This makes him not used to wine as other
people in the novel who incorporated drinking wine in their lifestyles (Lawrence, 294). To add
on to this point, Gatsby was able to enjoy champagne at his huge mansion where he got many
guests who came to enjoy themselves there as he held parties frequently. Gatsby also enjoyed the
pleasure of motor boats in the beach. He enjoyed services from servants who would ensure his
place was clean and services of a gardener who kept his garden in shape at all times. He used to
make his own juice as he had a blender which made the finest juice at the comfort of his place
(Fitzgerald, 43). He also enjoyed the company of many women who hardly knew one another at

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Surname 1 Student`s Name: Professor`s Name: Class Number: Date: Money in Women in Love and The Great Gatsby In the two novels money has been clearly brought out as the main agent of industrialization and advanced capitalism. Characters have portrayed the various ways through which money has acted as a motivator of modern life. For instance, Cudrum is seen to be dressed in fancy clothes and looks pretty and appealing too. She is so attractive when she comes back from the city of London (Lawrence, 55) where she had secured a job in the art school. Money is also a tool that makes people be regarded as superior than others. They are those that are treated better than others. This is seen where a star is placed in front of the gate at the place where the wedding reception was to be held and this is as the car carrying the bride came to drop her. The guests are also seen to be making their way into the weeding through the red carpet (Lawrence, 113). The carriage of the bride is decorated so as to make it presentable and of class. On the other hand, in The Great Gatsby book, Nick grandfather’s brother was able to find a war replacement through money and even later was capable of opening up a hardware business which became the foot of their family business. Nick also acquired great education from New Haven due to money his father had which privileged him until graduating (Fitzgerald, 5). Also, Nick was able to get a great house by the beach and even bought banking, credit and inve ...
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