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2865261 1 international trade in endangered species

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1 Introduction
2 Personas

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Because of human activity, many animals are now considered extinct, and many others are
considered endangered and in risk of extinction. As people get more concerned and aware of
the importance of wild life conservation, more efforts are put towards protecting endangered
species, as a consequence , great results were achieved (Graham-Rowe,2011). However
animal trade is still a treat for many species which are still commercialized for many different
Despite of the more extensive control and more severe legislation, it is very hard to control
and stop illegal animal trafficking as many animals have an extremely high value in the black
market which stimulates this practice. Asia is one of the biggest markets for
commercialization of endangered species, as because of the culture a wide range of species
are utilized in popular medicine or gastronomy for example.
Governments and other organizations are key players who work to protect the wild life. In
order to implement actions and make decisions aiming to stop wildlife trade and protect
endangered species they need updated information about the animals being traded, such as
origin, destination and purpose for example. By having that information, it is possible to
better allocate resources and be more effective.
In this report, there different personas, with different roles in the wildlife commerce will be
used as an example of how data can help them to achieve their objectives. Furthermore,
spreadsheets form Tableau will demonstrate how data visualization can help with data

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Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Personas INTRODUCTION Because of human activity, many animals are now considered extinct, and many others are considered endangered and in risk of extinction. As people get more concerned and aware of the importance of wild life conservation, more efforts are put towards protecting endangered species, as a consequence , great results were achieved (Graham-Rowe,2011). However animal trade is still a treat for many species which are still commercialized for many different purposes. Despite of the more extensive control and more severe legislation, it is very hard to control and stop illegal animal trafficking as many animals have an extremely high value in the black market which stimulates this practice. Asia is one of the biggest markets for commercialization of endangered species, as because of the culture a wide range of species are utilized in popular medicine or gastronomy for example. Governments and other organizations are key players who work to protect the wild life. In order to implement actions and make decisions aiming to stop wildlife trade and protect endangered species they need updated information about the animals being traded, such as origin, destination and purpose for example. By having that information, it is possible to better allocate resources and be more effective. In this report, there different personas, with different roles in the wildlife commerce will be used as an example of how data can help them to achieve t ...
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