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The objective of this paper is to discuss the concepts that makeup motivation theory and
goal-setting theory. Goal-setting theory will be addressed and why it is an effective
motivation theory to use. An organization’s success hinges on the success of its
employees. By providing manageable goals, employees will feel as if their contributions
make a difference. When employees are made to feel as if they matter, they will be more
likely to work more efficiently and effectively. The goal-setting theory allows managers and
employees to work together to fulfill the mission and the goals of the organization.
Keywords: business, management, motivation theory, goal-setting theory

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MOTIVATION THEORY: GOAL-SETTING THEORY ANALYSIS Abstract The objective of this paper is to discuss the concepts that makeup motivation theory and goal-setting theory. Goal-setting theory will be addressed and why it is an effective motivation theory to use. An organization’s success hinges on the success of its employees. By providing manageable goals, employees will feel as if their contributions make a difference. When employees are made to feel as if they matter, they will be more likely to work more efficiently and effectively. The goal-setting theory allows managers and employees to work together to fulfill the mission and the goals of the organization. Keywords: business, management, motivation theory, goal-setting theory 2 MOTIVATION THEORY: GOAL-SETTING THEORY ANALYSIS 3 Motivation Theory: Goal-Setting Theory Analysis According to Jones and George (2019), management is defined as "the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively" (p. 34). One of the most important resources that an organization has is its people. And in order for an organization to be successful, those people must be led by effective managers. One way that a manager can help his employees be successful is to motivate them. There are several theories about what drives motivation, and one of those theories is Goal-Setting Theory. Theory Analysis from Literature Goal-setting theory is based on the ide ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
