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Plagiarism Exercise
Plagiarism means to use the ideas or writings of another (American Psychological
Association, 2020). It involves using someone else’s work without properly acknowledging
the source and is considered academic and intellectual dishonesty (Story-Jackson et al.,
2018). According to American Psychological Association (2020), there are two types of
plagiarism: use of someone else’s words and use of someone else’s ideas without proper
referencing. Plagiarism is such a serious issue that universities have enacted anti-
plagiarism policies and strategies (Story-Jackson et al., 2018).
Instructors can typically notice or suspect plagiarism when obvious changes are
noted in the quality of a student’s work such as in the style, vocabulary, or content (Story-
Jackson et al., 2018). Plagiarism can be unintentional or intentional. An unintentional
example may be when a student tries to paraphrase information but fails to cite their
source (Story-Jackson et al., 2018). Other cases could be if a student knowingly passes off
another’s work as their own (Story-Jackson et al., 2018). Plagiarism is easy and students
may do it if they think that they won’t get caught (Story-Jackson et al., 2018).
It is up to the instructor to do the work to detect plagiarism as well as create
policies on how to confront a student and what to do if plagiarism is found (Story-
Jackson et al., 2018). Instructors should follow these policies when they suspect
plagiarism. There should be clear expectations of what the penalties are for plagiarism
and how students will be held accountable.
There are several online tools that can help students and instructors to detect
plagiarism. A common grammar tool, Grammarly, has a plagiarism detector built-in.
Personally, I use it before I submit anything just to be safe. Our online classroom
website, Blackboard, has one called SafeAssign. There are many others that can help
detect problems and help detect plagiarised work.

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PLAGIARISM EXERCISE 1 PLAGIARISM EXERCISE 2 Plagiarism Exercise Plagiarism means to use the ideas or writings of another (American Psychological Association, 2020). It involves using someone else’s work without properly acknowledging the source and is considered academic and intellectual dishonesty (Story-Jackson et al., 2018). According to American Psychological Association (2020), there are two types of plagiarism: use of someone else’s words and use of someone else’s ideas without proper referencing. Plagiarism is such a serious issue that universities have enacted antiplagiarism policies and strategies (Story-Jackson et al., 2018). Instructors can typically notice or suspect plagiarism when obvious changes are noted in the quality of a student’s work such as in the style, vocabulary, or content (StoryJackson et al., 2018). Plagiarism can be unintentional or intentional. An unintentional example may be when a student tries to paraphrase information but fails to cite their source (Story-Jackson et al., 2018). Other cases could be if a student knowingly passes off another’s work as their own (Story-Jackson et al., 2018). Plagiarism is easy and students may do it if they think that they won’t get caught (Story-Jackson et al., 2018). It is up to the instructor to do the work to detect plagiarism as well as create policies on how to confront a student and what to do if plagiarism is found (StoryJackson et al., 2018). Instructors should follow these policies w ...
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