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Leadership exercise negative leadership styles notitle

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The objective of this paper is to discuss three negative leadership traits and how Kings David,
Ahab, and Solomon exhibit them. The three traits chosen are cruelty, narcissism, and
Keywords: Leadership, Negative traits, Kings, Israel, Judah

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Leadership Exercise: Negative Leadership Styles
According to Burns (2017), there are several negative leadership traits that can
cause a lack of productivity, good order, and discipline in an organization (Burns, 2017). There
are three negative leadership traits that can cause issues in an organization. They are cruelty,
narcissism, and dishonesty (Burns, 2017; Sakkar Sudha & Shahnawaz, 2020; Vries & Vries,
2018). The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had many kings or leaders that exhibited negative
leadership traits with Kings David, Ahab, and Solomon being the focus of this research.
King Ahab’s Cruelty
Cruel leaders can be harmful to an organization because they typically lack any
sort of remorse for their actions and normally exhibit ruthless and erratic behavior (Simonet et
al., 2018). This cruel behavior can also take the form of bullying, greed, or simple abuse (Burns,
2017). There are several instances where Ahab exhibits cruelty and evil (Merida, 2015). Ahab
had a desire to own a certain vineyard, however, it was owned by a righteous man by the name
of Naboth (Merida, 2015). Ahab offered to either swap another piece of land for Naboth’s land
or purchase it outright. If Naboth sold the land not only would he be going against established
laws that forbade him from selling family land but he would also be going against the word of
God (Merida, 2015).
What a picture of righteousness! Think about it: Naboth could have been richer. He
could have perhaps negotiated a bit more and worked his way up the royal ladder.
But Naboth lives by the word of God and for another world. This is the only time we
hear him speak. He simply says, “The LORD forbid that I should give you the
inheritance of my fathers".(Merida, 2015, p. 167)

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LEADERSHIP EXERCISE: NEGATIVE LEADERSHIP STYLES Abstract The objective of this paper is to discuss three negative leadership traits and how Kings David, Ahab, and Solomon exhibit them. The three traits chosen are cruelty, narcissism, and dishonesty. Keywords: Leadership, Negative traits, Kings, Israel, Judah 1 LEADERSHIP EXERCISE: NEGATIVE LEADERSHIP STYLES 2 Leadership Exercise: Negative Leadership Styles Introduction According to Burns (2017), there are several negative leadership traits that can cause a lack of productivity, good order, and discipline in an organization (Burns, 2017). There are three negative leadership traits that can cause issues in an organization. They are cruelty, narcissism, and dishonesty (Burns, 2017; Sakkar Sudha & Shahnawaz, 2020; Vries & Vries, 2018). The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had many kings or leaders that exhibited negative leadership traits with Kings David, Ahab, and Solomon being the focus of this research. King Ahab’s Cruelty Cruel leaders can be harmful to an organization because they typically lack any sort of remorse for their actions and normally exhibit ruthless and erratic behavior (Simonet et al., 2018). This cruel behavior can also take the form of bullying, greed, or simple abuse (Burns, 2017). There are several instances where Ahab exhibits cruelty and evil (Merida, 2015). Ahab had a desire to own a certain vineyard, however, it was owned by a righteous man by the name of Naboth (Merida, 2015). Ahab offered to eithe ...
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