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Nervous system and human behaviour

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The Role of Central Nervous System in Shaping Human Behaviour
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The Role of Central Nervous System in Shaping Human Behaviour
The CNS (central nervous system) and the PNS (peripheral nervous system) are the two
branches of the human nervous system (peripheral nervous system). The CNS consists of the
brain and spinal cord, while the PNS binds the rest of the body, including vital organs, to the
spinal cord and brain. The neuroanatomical structure of the brain is crucial for understanding
how different parts of the brain communicate with the rest of the nervous system and affect
functional expressions, actions, and emotions. The effect of the brain and its anatomical
architecture on function and action is highly controversial, despite the fact that most of the
human nervous system is focused on biological, chemical, and physiological foundations that
most scientists and researchers agree on.
There is considerable disagreement on genetics and the role of the nervous system in
personality growth and change, despite consensus on topics such as psychology, biology, and
chemical reactions. By starting with the nervous system's construction and general functions, it
will provide a foundation for delving deeper into the debate concerning the nervous system,
specifically the brain and its role in personality and behavior. At about 2 weeks of age, the
nervous system starts to form in the embryo. According to Kalat (2013), after two weeks, the
dorsal starts to thicken, gradually separating and forming the hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain, and
spinal cord.
Key words: Central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, nurture, neuron, Axons,
cerebral cortex, and sensory motor.

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CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 1 The Role of Central Nervous System in Shaping Human Behaviour Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 2 The Role of Central Nervous System in Shaping Human Behaviour Introduction The CNS (central nervous system) and the PNS (peripheral nervous system) are the two branches of the human nervous system (peripheral nervous system). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord, while the PNS binds the rest of the body, including vital organs, to the spinal cord and brain. The neuroanatomical structure of the brain is crucial for understanding how different parts of the brain communicate with the rest of the nervous system and affect functional expressions, actions, and emotions. The effect of the brain and its anatomical architecture on function and action is highly controversial, despite the fact that most of the human nervous system is focused on biological, chemical, and physiological foundations that most scientists and researchers agree on. There is considerable disagreement on genetics and the role of the nervous system in personality growth and change, despite consensus on topics such as psychology, biology, and chemical reactions. By starting with the nervous system's construction and general functions, it will provide a foundation for delving deeper into the debate concerning the nervous system, specifically the brain and its role in personality and behavior. At about 2 weeks of age, the nervous system ...
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