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Community Health Nursing
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The Role of Community Health Nurse
Community health nursing is a form of nursing that is widely used in urban and rural
settings. Community health nursing's mission is to encourage, protect, and preserve the public's
health. The fundamental principles of community health nursing are to support a healthy
lifestyle, prevent illness, treat health issues, provide direct treatment, inform the community
about managing chronic diseases and making healthier decisions, assess a community's patient
care and wellness projects, implement health and wellness services and perform research to
improve healthcare (Northeastern State University, 2021)
The primary responsibility of community health nurses is to treat patients. Furthermore,
community health nurses educate community members about protecting their health to reduce
the risk of illnesses and deaths. They organize educational events, distribute flyers, perform
health screenings, dispense prescriptions, and administer immunizations. The American Public
Health Association (APHA) defines community health nurses as liaisons who help minimize
health inequalities, expand access to treatment, improve quality of care, and reduce healthcare
costs (Gagnon, 2021). They are nonclinical and nonmedical advisors who also educate the
patient on vital health issues.
Community health nurses focus more on health evaluation. Remote care assessment of
vital signs, diet, nutritional awareness, psychosocial influences, and regular tests assisted by
slight contact with physicians are only a few examples. These programs facilitate patient
communication, allowing care teams to understand better their patient's well-being, backgrounds,
and interests.
Community health nurse in the home settings

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Running head: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Community Health Nursing Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Tutor Date 1 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 2 The Role of Community Health Nurse Community health nursing is a form of nursing that is widely used in urban and rural settings. Community health nursing's mission is to encourage, protect, and preserve the public's health. The fundamental principles of community health nursing are to support a healthy lifestyle, prevent illness, treat health issues, provide direct treatment, inform the community about managing chronic diseases and making healthier decisions, assess a community's patient care and wellness projects, implement health and wellness services and perform research to improve healthcare (Northeastern State University, 2021) The primary responsibility of community health nurses is to treat patients. Furthermore, community health nurses educate community members about protecting their health to reduce the risk of illnesses and deaths. They organize educational events, distribute flyers, perform health screenings, dispense prescriptions, and administer immunizations. The American Public Health Association (APHA) defines community health nurses as liaisons who help minimize health inequalities, expand access to treatment, improve quality of care, and reduce healthcare costs (Gagnon, 2021). They are nonclinical and nonmedical advisors who also educate the patient on vital health issues. Community health nurses foc ...
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