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Implementation Plan Design
Capella University
Student’s Name

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Implementation Plan Design
Healthcare professionals working in medical-surgical and intensive care units must
provide safe and quality patient care that meets both the professional benchmark and patient's
expectations. They propose "Wound Care Specialty" program entails educating a selected
number of nurses and advancing their knowledge on caring for the patients at risk of developing
Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries (APIs). The program's success largely depends on the design
of the program curriculum and the nature of plan implementation. The aspect of leadership and
management is key to a successful implementation plan. Modern technologies and delivery
methods help improve the quality of the project by eliminating or minimizing the number of
errors. The implementation of the wound care specialty course will consider all the vital
stakeholders' needs, the existing regulatory framework, and the time frame taken by the
Management and Leadership
This project will be implemented by applying various leadership models for effective
management and execution. The evidence for its use is applicable in a healthcare clinical setting.
The first leadership strategy involved in this project is the strategic visionary model, which takes
a dynamic transformation approach. The strategic visionary model’s applicability is just as
extensive as its evidence. In this model, the stakeholders and the trainees are engaged in team-
building discussions to define their distinct and shared responsibilities while implementing the
project. In-training sessions, in particular, will require both the Wound Care Champions and
trainers to establish collaborative working relationships to efficiently respond to the scope of
practice concerns in wound care settings. The Beckwith Institute for Innovation in Patient Care
(Hamilton, Huber, & Shakshuki et al., 2018).

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1 Implementation Plan Design Capella University Student’s Name Course Tutor Date 2 Implementation Plan Design Healthcare professionals working in medical-surgical and intensive care units must provide safe and quality patient care that meets both the professional benchmark and patient's expectations. They propose "Wound Care Specialty" program entails educating a selected number of nurses and advancing their knowledge on caring for the patients at risk of developing Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries (APIs). The program's success largely depends on the design of the program curriculum and the nature of plan implementation. The aspect of leadership and management is key to a successful implementation plan. Modern technologies and delivery methods help improve the quality of the project by eliminating or minimizing the number of errors. The implementation of the wound care specialty course will consider all the vital stakeholders' needs, the existing regulatory framework, and the time frame taken by the implementation. Management and Leadership This project will be implemented by applying various leadership models for effective management and execution. The evidence for its use is applicable in a healthcare clinical setting. The first leadership strategy involved in this project is the strategic visionary model, which takes a dynamic transformation approach. The strategic visionary model’s applicability is just as extensive as its evidence. In this model, the stakeholde ...
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