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Intervention plan design

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Intervention Plan Design
Student’s Name
Capella University
MSN Practicum & Capstone
April 2021

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Intervention Plan Design
The proposed wound care specialty course is needed to improve the quality of nurses in
relation to mitigating the adverse effect of pressure injuries. Nurses are expected to advance their
knowledge and wound care skills that are currently missing in the healthcare facility. The course
will train a small group of nurses on wound care procedures, identify patients at risk for pressure
injuries, and introduce evidence-based prevention measures in the hospital setting to reduce the
risk of HAPIs. This is expected to lower the rate of occurrence. These nurses will be referred to
as "Wound Care Champions."
This capstone project was initiated in search of evidence-based patient care practices that
will aid in mitigating the increased risks associated with HAPI development in the vulnerable
population admitted on medical-surgical and intensive care units. Training a selected group of
nurses, referred to as Wound Care Champions, identifying the patient population at risk for the
development of pressure injuries, and implementing evidence-based preventive interventions
became the cornerstone of this quality improvement project. Henry, M. (2019) reported that
educational programs like the proposed project improved nursing knowledge related to HAPI
prevention and increased nursing satisfaction.
Intervention Plan Components
One of the key components of the Wound Care Specialty Course schedule is a group of
lecturers that will deliver 14 lessons in exactly three months. The didactic and clinical
components of the implementation will be divided into two months. There will be approximately
fourteen (14) lessons in the didactic portion of the course. The teachers will hold one class a
week so that the wound care champions can apply what they've learned on the floor and pass it

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Intervention Plan Design Student’s Name Capella University MSN Practicum & Capstone Tutor April 2021 Intervention Plan Design The proposed wound care specialty course is needed to improve the quality of nurses in relation to mitigating the adverse effect of pressure injuries. Nurses are expected to advance their knowledge and wound care skills that are currently missing in the healthcare facility. The course will train a small group of nurses on wound care procedures, identify patients at risk for pressure injuries, and introduce evidence-based prevention measures in the hospital setting to reduce the risk of HAPIs. This is expected to lower the rate of occurrence. These nurses will be referred to as "Wound Care Champions." This capstone project was initiated in search of evidence-based patient care practices that will aid in mitigating the increased risks associated with HAPI development in the vulnerable population admitted on medical-surgical and intensive care units. Training a selected group of nurses, referred to as Wound Care Champions, identifying the patient population at risk for the development of pressure injuries, and implementing evidence-based preventive interventions became the cornerstone of this quality improvement project. Henry, M. (2019) reported that educational programs like the proposed project improved nursing knowledge related to HAPI prevention and increased nursing satisfaction. Intervention Plan Components One of the key components of the ...
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