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Diagnostic tests

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DIAGNOSTIC TESTS AND INSTRUMENTS Dr.Divyajyothi Bpharmacy and Pharmd DIAGNOSTIC TESTS : • Diagnostic tests are an extension of a physical examination and history. • They allow the doctor to see things yet invisible to confirm whta the doctor,or the patient ,already suspects. CATEGORIES OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS : The categories of diagnostic tests are : 1. Measure performance (Exercise,Heart Rate,Lung function,Visual Acuity) 2.Taking some Sample out of the body for study. 3. Scanning the body through film of sound (XRay,scans,Ultrasound). 4. Direct hollows tubes and fibre optics to look inside the body directly (endoscopy). Use Of Radiography : • It used to show abnormalities in Size, Shape,Position , or Functioning of Various parts of the body,by production of X-ray Use of Radio - isotope scanning: • Small amounts of radioactive materials are used in radio -isotope scanning,to obtain information about the condition or functioning of various organs. • The principle behind this is ,Various organs absorb specific minerals or hormones but these substances do not show up on a regular X-ray print but radioactive substance within the organ can be detected with the help of gamma rays camera or scintoscope. CAT Scanner : • CAT (Computerised Axial Tomography) is a medical instrument,introduced in 1972, to detect the disease of brain,kidney,live or abdomen by X-rays and a computer. • It is invented by a British Electronic Engineer G.Hounsfield and a US Physicist Allan ...
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