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Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
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Absolute monarch designates that the king has unchecked power over his subjects.
Sommerville, (1992) in his book stated that agreement establishes three forms of authority. The
three forms include aristocracy, monarchy and democracy. Hobbes' pessimistic view believes
that monarchy is the only most acceptable form of government that can control humanity's
cruelty. Having read Leviathan, I strongly agree that it is a powerful tool to influence both people
and parliament if they get to read. Based on the three forms of authority established by
agreement, monarch is more consistence than the rest. Furthermore, monarch has the least
chances for conflict since all the decision are made by one person. He adds that Liberty may be
used by the monarchy leader, which is referred to the ability to perform as stated by individual
will without any obstacle by law. The sovereign in the state holds a robust undivided government
that ensures the more persistent and consistent exercise of authority, consequently avoiding "the
war of all against all."
Hobbes believed that all phenomena universally could be stated in terms of interaction
and motions of material bodies. He viewed human beings as a machine with thoughts and
emotions that operate according to effected chains, reaction, action, and physical laws (Bobier,
2020). As machine humans seek pleasure, assume their self-interest constantly and relentlessly
avoiding pain (Balci, n.d). Only imprisonment can hinder one from acting that way. Hobbes saw
society as an artificial machine similar to but more extensive than a human body that operates
according to collision and motion laws (Kleidosty & Xidias, 2017). Henceforth, Hobbes
advocated that every member of the society report to a single central and absolute power to
maintaining consistent functionality.
The monarch has the authority to preside the government, establish every law, set the first
principle, adjust arising disputes, and be in charge of all churches. According to Hobbes, this is

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Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes Student’s name Institution Course Professor Date 1 Absolute monarch designates that the king has unchecked power over his subjects. Sommerville, (1992) in his book stated that agreement establishes three forms of authority. The three forms include aristocracy, monarchy and democracy. Hobbes' pessimistic view believes that monarchy is the only most acceptable form of government that can control humanity's cruelty. Having read Leviathan, I strongly agree that it is a powerful tool to influence both people and parliament if they get to read. Based on the three forms of authority established by agreement, monarch is more consistence than the rest. Furthermore, monarch has the least chances for conflict since all the decision are made by one person. He adds that Liberty may be used by the monarchy leader, which is referred to the ability to perform as stated by individual will without any obstacle by law. The sovereign in the state holds a robust undivided government that ensures the more persistent and consistent exercise of authority, consequently avoiding "the war of all against all." Hobbes believed that all phenomena universally could be stated in terms of interaction and motions of material bodies. He viewed human beings as a machine with thoughts and emotions that operate according to effected chains, reaction, action, and physical laws (Bobier, 2020). As machine humans seek pleasure, assume their self-interest constantly and relentlessly av ...
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