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“The Help” Movie
The film is about a volatile subject. It is a story of how the African-American house
cleaners living in the south thought of their employers in the days of Jim Crow. The story also
touches on how they empowered a white woman to write about them and how the book changed
the mother to the author. At the heightened racism, the blacks and the whites were coexisting
together and endured their daily intimacy. “The Help,” an emotionally pervasive, is adapted from
Kathryn Stockett’s novel written in 2009. It has an in-depth truth more than a mere Hollywood
movie that there exist. “The help” comprehends the separation of races as one of the greatest
crime and that it is a grand illusion. This film is wonderfully acted. It is a story that deals with
the issues of pain but is not sensitive as to causing pain to the viewers. The movie is not only
about truth, but it is also a reassurance that indeed racism is a vile act and that not all the whites
are evil.
Stone’s character seems familiar the scenes shifts between the two characters, Aibileen
Clark (Viola Davis) and Minny Jackson, each at a time. Minny (Octavia Spencer) is a pixie-
faced rogue of a housekeeper who, as spirited as Aibileen, is cautious. The two cooks are radiant.
They engrave these women’s trusts and their diminishing dreams with each line and amid the
lines too. The film revolves around their intimate relationship and the spirit of comradeship that
they exhibit. They extend this spirit to the women whom they offer their services. This is a group

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of enthusiastic and lively homemakers. They are like a bridge and benefits types that the movie
is fond of drawing.
The two friends have spent their entire life as a nanny where they have been employed to
raise the white girls. Aibileen performs superbly in the job. She has a genuine love for them.
However, when the white girls grow up the shows an inevitable tendency to shift their attention
to their mothers. Minny, on the other hand, is a nanny who has been fired and hired by the local
social leader and the white-trash blonde-haired person respectively. Spencer and Davis have a
luminous quality that has built their story.
One of the pleasures from “The Help” is that there does not exist a caricature in it. Each
woman appearing on the screen is three-dimensional, fresh, and lively. Elizabeth, the girlish
conformist, relinquishes her duty as a mother that includes nurturing. Aibileen, the roaring
princess, is out of the closets racist who asserts that by coercing her friend to using the bathroom
outback, succeeds in protecting the racial harmony. She hopes to be keeping everything in place.
Celia, the peeling white-trash wealthy woman, hires Minny on the cunning. In the film, the issue
to do with the bathrooms is nearly a mythic. There is the domestic equality of the lunch counters
as well as at the back of the bus. Dallas portrays a fearless performance while playing the soul of
the anticipated reforms. Her treacherous smile awakes to each of the tone of subservience from
her house cleaner as well as from her friends too.
The movie focuses on the Skeeter Phelan, who graduated recently from the college. She
comes home only to find that it is not where she belongs and cannot fit easily as before. She has
outgrown the circle and is not aware where to turn her attention. She is Hilly’s old cohort. She
takes up her career at Jackson Journal where she does clean. Aibileen directs her since she knows
little about the chores. This is what motivates Skeeter to do the interviews with the housekeepers

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Surname 1 Name Course Tutor Date “The Help” Movie The film is about a volatile subject. It is a story of how the African-American house cleaners living in the south thought of their employers in the days of Jim Crow. The story also touches on how they empowered a white woman to write about them and how the book changed the mother to the author. At the heightened racism, the blacks and the whites were coexisting together and endured their daily intimacy. “The Help,” an emotionally pervasive, is adapted from Kathryn Stockett’s novel written in 2009. It has an in-depth truth more than a mere Hollywood movie that there exist. “The help” comprehends the separation of races as one of the greatest crime and that it is a grand illusion. This film is wonderfully acted. It is a story that deals with the issues of pain but is not sensitive as to causing pain to the viewers. The movie ...
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