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3 3 short paper limitations on rights1

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3-3 Short Paper: Limitations on Rights
The major question in the article, ‘wrangles stuck between Surfers s and Kholsa Could
imply the closing stages of Private Beach admittance in California,’ is whether the rightful owner
of the property needs to get a permit, to close the gate that passes through his private land. The
Surfrider Foundation has pushed this case against Vinod Khosla and would possibly make the
new Californian law related to land use. Khosla is an immigrant from India, who came in his
early ages. After some time, he founded the Sun Microsystems and became the CEO if the
company. It ventured into the production of computers, servers, and software development such
as Java. It became widely known for the software that runs on almost all the computers in United
States and other countries. Later on, Khosla ’s company developed Nexgen, which was a
semiconductor company and a rival to Intel company. His success in America cannot be
In 2008, Sun Microsystems purchased an asset in San Mateo County thereby abutting a
section of the coastline that was referred to as the Martin’s Beach (Kassouni 1). It led to a
dispute since to access the beach; one had to cross Khosla ’s private property. It was the only
path that reached the Beach through the land; otherwise, other means were very expensive for
ordinary people. Since 1960s, way before the Coastal Act was enacted, the road had remained
gated. The people who initially owned the land allowed the Surfers and other people visiting the

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beach to pass upon paying a small fee. Due to the frequent occurrence of the beach erosions,
Khosla has found the maintenance of the road too expensive and, therefore, decided to close it.
The county’s court after litigation passed a resolution that Khosla was the rightful owner of the
road fee-simple, and there was no law that compelled him to allow public use of the road.
The Surfriders Foundation was not satisfied and, therefore, filed a case in the superior
court. Their argument was that closing the gate was tantamount to violating the California
Coastal Act that sorted permit from the Coastal Commission. In other words, closing the gate
would counteract the objective of the new development that the Coastal Act initiated. However,
the definition according to the commission is broad and covers some projects beyond
construction and use of water. The Surfrider is of the view that the definition should include the
alterations to accessing the beach through a private land. It means that if Khosla’s action affects
the people visiting the beach, then the Coastal Commission should permit his action. It also
means that if Khosla allowed 20 people to pass his land on Sunday, he needs a permit to reduce
the number to 19 on Monday. Therefore, once the public has accessed the beach through his
private property, he would forfeit his right to deny them access.
This restriction falls under the Zoning Ordinance. The regulation limits how a person can
use their property in the cities and the counties. The rule acts on the development of real estate
(Martindale-Hubbell n.p). Under this law, the assumption is that each property requires
protection against use of neighboring property that curtails the enjoyment of the ownership.
Khosla property has stood in the way of accessing the beach, which contravenes the Zoning

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Surname 1 Name Course Tutor Date 3-3 Short Paper: Limitations on Rights The major question in the article, ‘wrangles stuck between Surfers s and Kholsa Could imply the closing stages of Private Beach admittance in California,’ is whether the rightful owner of the property needs to get a permit, to close the gate that passes through his private land. The Surfrider Foundation has pushed this case against Vinod Khosla and would possibly make the new Californian law related to land use. Khosla is an immigrant from India, who came in his early ages. After some time, he founded the Sun Microsystems and became the CEO if the company. It ventured into the production of computers, servers, and software development such as Java. It became widely known for the software that runs on almost all the computers in United States and other countries. Later on, Khosla ’s company developed Nexgen, wh ...
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