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5 goals1

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Five Goals
I have realized that Saudi Arabia is not a very promising place for me as I initially
thought. With all the plans that I had made in life, I have decided not to return to this place
atleast not with a business mind. The employment rate in this area is not very promising for me.
After the visit to this place, I realized that it takes around one year to make enough money after
getting a job. I will also take atleast one year to find employment. I also have religious goals that
I want to achieve within the next six months. I am therefore making critical and strategic steps
toward realizing this goal. I have realized from personal experience that when I deliberate over
religious issues, the more I accept the religious ideas. I think this will make me a more peaceful
man that I have ever been.
My next and most fruitful goal I am planning to achieve is to travel around the world. I
will be specific since I want to start the tour in Japan. This country has a sound economic base,
which is my driving motive. Due to my current state, I will take two years to accumulate money
to travel around the world. I am also aiming at something very critical. Four years from now, I
will be holding my bride in my hands. Having compared the women in my country, I am
planning to fall for a foreign woman. I will be specific. I will marry a non-Muslim or atleast, not
an Arabian. I think I will show people that it is not necessary that we are similar to make a home,

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Surname 1 Name Course Tutor Date Five Goals I have realized that Saudi Arabia is not a very promising place for me as I initially thought. With all the plans that I had made in life, I have decided not to return to this place atleast not with a business mind. The employment rate in this area is not very promising for me. After the visit to this place, I realized that it takes around one year to make enough money after getting a job. I will also take atleast one year to find employment. I also have religious goals that I want to achieve within the next six months. I am therefore making critica ...
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