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A message from mellody hobso1

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A Message from Mellody Hobson
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A Message from Mellody Hobson
Racism is not a new thing in America. Indeed, through the new Jim Crow, the act has
spread across the states, even though the legendary, Martin Luther King junior fought so hard to
eliminate it. In the corporations and businesses, as Mellody suggest, the blacks are marginalized.
It is no question that racism is alive and that the election of the first black president, Obama, did
not signal an end to racism. There is a higher rate of incarceration of the blacks. Some American
states have also witnessed the blacks uprising against the police officers for allegedly mistreating
them based on their color. Further, still, in a leadership position for the fortune 500, the white
males dominate. Among these companies, only a few have embraced diversity. As Mellody
views it, this is a lost opportunity. However, the whites can highly debate against her opinion. A
significant direction that Hobson takes in her talk is to give a solution to the problem (Proactive
conversation) that has continued to prevail in the American history. Whether this is a credible
solution can only be ascertained from its applicability over the issue.
One essential thing that she explains about overcoming racial disparity is to have a real
conversation about this issue. From her experience in business, she has learned that the best
strategy in solving a problem is to recognize that it exists, and then creates a form of awareness,
as an action to encountering it (Hobson, 2014). She spreads the same idea when she talks of
eliminating racism. Mellody argues that there are many discomforts when the issue of racism is
mentioned. Indeed, some of her friends tried to discourage her from talking it out, because it
could potentially harm her career and status in the business. She says that people should be
comfortable with issues that are uncomfortable to them (Hobson, 2014). If the people of color in
America are to realize their economic prosperity and freedom, then they have to hold a real
conversation about racism. The elite in the recent times has advocated for color blindness, which

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Running head: A MESSAGE FROM MELLODY HOBSON A Message from Mellody Hobson Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 A MESSAGE FROM MELLODY HOBSON 2 A Message from Mellody Hobson Racism is not a new thing in America. Indeed, through the new Jim Crow, the act has spread across the states, even though the legendary, Martin Luther King junior fought so hard to eliminate it. In the corporations and businesses, as Mellody suggest, the blacks are marginalized. It is no question that racism is alive and that the election of the first black president, Obama, did not signal an end to racism. There is a higher rate of incarceration of the blacks. Some American states have also witnessed the blacks uprising against the police officers for allegedly mistreating them based on their color. Further, still, in a leadership position for the fortune 500, the white males dominate. Among these companies, only a few have embraced diversity. As Mellody views it, this is a lost opportunity. However, the whites can highly debate against her opinion. A significant direction that Hobson takes in her talk is to give a solution to the problem (Proactive conversation) that has continued to prevail in the American history. Whether this is a credible solution can only be ascertained from its applicability over the issue. One essential thing that she explains about overcoming racial disparity is to have a real conversation about this issue. From her experience in business, she has learned that the best ...
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