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A proposa1

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Running head: A PROPOSAL 1
A Proposal
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A Proposal
For my end of semester paper, I intend to write a proposal addressed to the policy makers
in my country. My desire to address the policymakers is informed by what I had learned from the
books as well as my personal experience with the education in my country, notably when I was a
preservice teacher. I found many faults in the education programs, and I think that it is time that
a change is sparked -aimed at improvement and further development of our education programs.
This is the only best way possible to make educational system in my country useful. Previously,
in 1988, the teacher education program was expanded from two years to four years and
introduced bachelor degree award for the pre-service teachers (Al-Ghamdi, 2015).
However, for more than two decades now, the policymakers have never introduced any
other significant change in the education program. I will, therefore, address the benefits of
undertaking new changes, since there have been substantial changes in education since 1988. In
this paper, I will also address the efficiency brought about by the teacher education movement in
the U.S. I will include the recommendations made in the U.S teacher education program
beginning from this movement in 1980. Indeed, many changes have occurred, in the teacher
education and this apparently influences the outcome of these programs. For example, there has
been an increase in the use of educational technology, which has caused changes in the teaching
strategies; therefore, to enhance the preparation of the 21st-century teachers and students, it is
inevitable to turn the education programs upside down (Panel, 2010, p. ii).
I will work together with Jee, Shaaaa in completing this paper. It excites me to
collaborate with them, since it gives us unique perspective in writing this paper. We will use
different experience and ideas to write one comprehensives paper.

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Running head: A PROPOSAL 1 A Proposal Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation A PROPOSAL 2 A Proposal For my end of semester paper, I intend to write a proposal addressed to the policy makers in my country. My desire to address the policymakers is informed by what I had learned from the books as well as my personal experience with the education in my country, notably when I was a preservice teacher. I found many faults in the education programs, and I think that it is time that a change is sparked -aimed at improvement and further development of our education programs. This is the only best way possible to make educational system in my country useful. Previously, in 1988, the teacher education program was expanded from two years to four years and introduced bachelor degree award for the pre-service teachers (Al-Ghamdi, 2015). However, for more than two decades now, the policymake ...
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