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A salesperson dilemma1

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A Salesperson’s Dilemma
If you were Janet, would you take the deal Bill Tanton offered? Explain the thinking
behind your reasons either for taking it or not taking it.
I would not take the deal with Bill Tanton if I were negotiating it. A good deal on the
surface is not worth to consider with haste. Hill is a royal customer who spends 100 percent on
WCZZ/FM, which shows the level of trust. Besides, he satisfies the customer meaning that his
business has an assured survival. Bill’s business is new, and its existence is not assured. I would
rather stick to Hill, who is an assured customer.
If you take the deal, what would you tell Hill when he hears the Hess commercials on your
If I take the deal, I would inform hill that WCZZ/FM has a goal of maximizing the
shareholders wealth hence the company would accept business from new customers
indiscriminately. In this way, it would be promoting healthy competition as outlined in the
memorandum of association.
If you do not take the deal, what reasons would you give to your general sales manager?
I would inform the sales manager that bill’s deal comes along with other conditions such
as 33 percent discount off that may negatively influence the future of the business. Bill is also
willing to put out of business their esteemed customer, Hill, which implies that he will
monopolize the industry (Patterson & Wilkins, 1997). When he achieves this power, it is likely
he will demand more discount or else he would do business with our competitors.

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Running head: A SALESPERSON’S DILEMMA A SALESPERSON’S DILEMMA Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 A SALESPERSON’S DILEMMA 2 A Salesperson’s Dilemma If you were Janet, would you take the deal Bill Tanton offered? Explain the thinking behind your reasons either for taking it or not taking it. I would not take the deal with Bill Tanton if I were negotiating it. A good deal on the surface is not worth to consider with haste. Hill is a royal customer who spends 100 percent on WCZZ/FM, which shows the level of trust. Besides, he satisfies the customer meaning that his business has an assured survival. Bill’s business is new, and its existence is not assured. I would rather stick to Hill, who is an assured customer. If you take the deal, what would you tell Hill when he hears the Hess commercials on your station? If I take the deal, I would inform hill that WCZZ/FM has a goal of maximizing the shareholders wealth hence the company would accept business from new customers indiscriminately. In this way, it would be promoting healthy competition as outlined in the memorandum of association. If you do not take the deal, what reasons would you give to your general sal ...
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