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A sea dirge outline

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A Sea Dirge Outline
I. Thesis
This essay will look into the literary devices that the author has used to describe the theme of
the poem. The poem discusses hatred for some things in the world that are different from one
person to the other. He refers to the things that he hates most as the sea. The poem can be
said to be an anti-ode to a sea.
a) In his poem, he writes, “there are some things,” and outlines them as “spider,
income taxes, ghost, umbrella, and gout,” that he hates. However, of all the
things, he hates the sea mostly.
b) As the inspiration for the lyrical poetry, the author writes that “beat the dog,” this
would in turn make it howl eventually. This is cruel, but it is all right for a spree.
He compares this act to the sea, which further shows the hatred he has towards it.
II. Carroll has used some literary elements.
a) Metaphor
The author indicates that he had a vision of the nursery house cleaners and
tens of thousands surely passed before him. The nurses were leading these
children who were carrying the wooden spades.

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Surname 1 Name Course Tutor Date “A Sea Dirge” Outline I. Thesis This essay will look into the literary devices that the author has used to describe the theme of the poem. The poem discusses hatred for some things in the world that are different from one person to the other. He refers to the things that he hates most as the sea. The poem can be said to be an anti-ode to a sea. a) In his poem, he writes, “there are some things,” and outlines them as “spider, income taxes, ghost, umbrella, and gout,” that he hates. However, of all the things, he hates the sea mostly. b) As the insp ...
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