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A sleep deprived societ1

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A Sleep Deprived Society
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A Sleep Deprived Society
Studies estimate that more than 100 million Americans that are sleep-deprived drive
small cars and large tracks. Besides, they operate heavy machinery, administer medical care, and
manage the nuclear plants. This is alarming because of the disaster waiting to happen in various
industries. There are high chances that these people cannot remain fully alert during their
operational hours; therefore, their performance is greatly affected (Brody, 1994). Lack of enough
sleep has great consequences in the lives of the people.
Sleep deprivation leads to poor performance and cognitive deficit. Sleep problems lead to
poor performance in occupation and educational areas. The deficit comprises of vigilance,
attention and another measure that include the memory and problems in making decision. Sleep
deprivation also causes vehicle crashes and other related injuries (Altevogt, & Colten, 2006).
Sleep is becoming significant because some of the fatal accident have been linked to sleeping
drivers. Nearly 20% of the crashes have been associated with deprived sleep. Another
consequence of deprived sleep is linked to falling in the older people. In each year, about 30% of
older adults fall. Falls, which are common to people of 65 years and above usually is linked to
many deaths. Even though they may not be fatal, they cause injuries and trauma to the old
persons. The enough sleep I get helps me to remain functional and alert in the entire day.
Besides, enough sleep gives me a quality life, concerning health, and helps to boosts my
performance. Enough hours of sleep ensures that I rarely seek medical attention for illness
related to sleep deprivation, therefore it economical impacts positively on my wellbeing.

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Running head: A SLEEP DEPRIVED SOCIETY A Sleep Deprived Society Student’s name Institutional affiliation 1 A SLEEP DEPRIVED SOCIETY 2 A Sleep Deprived Society Studies estimate that more than 100 million Americans that are sleep-deprived drive small cars and large tracks. Besides, they operate heavy machinery, administer medical care, and manage the nuclear plants. This is alarming because of the disaster waiting to happen in various industries. There are high chances that these people cannot remain fully alert during their operational hours; therefore, their performance is greatly affected (Brody, 1994). Lack of enough sleep has great consequences in the lives of the people. Sleep deprivation leads to poor performance and cognitive deficit. Sleep problems lead to poor performance in occupation and educational areas. The deficit comprises of vigilance, attention and another measur ...
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