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Bring your own d

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Topic: Bring your own device (BYOD) policy for network security. BYOD security disaster or
more productive workplace
Type of paper: Research paper
Discipline: Computer science (IT)
Bring your own device (BOYD) policies can be described as policies which enable
employees who are utilizing their personal devices to access work affiliated data and their
organizational networks. Most often, such data is usually confidential and sensitive. Several
companies allow their staff to use USB drives, tablets, personal computers, and smartphones to
access company data. Numerous company is adopting the policies which enable employees to
work from home which is mainly informed by the need for these companies to be able to operate
even in cases where their employees are commuting, traveling or at home. These policies make it
possible for any company to maintain a busy work schedule. For some, there are sanctions and
restrictions which are associated while in others, there are no restrictions at all related to the use
of company data anywhere. Security measures that are related to BOYD are quite essential since
personal devices often get their way into companies, whether they have been sanctioned by the
IT department or not. If the solutions for BOYD are effectively solved, several elements within
the company, such as morale and productivity, can be tremendously improved. However, if these
devices are left unchecked, then they can result in unprecedented effects and challenges for the
security systems which have been established for the organization.

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Benefits and Challenges faced with BOYD policies
The benefits of establishing a BOYD policy include savings, convenience, preference, and up-to-
date tech, among other benefits. Companies are able retain resources in case they allow
employees to use their personal devices. In cases where other employees do not have personal
devices, they are provided for by the company (Meza, 2015). Recent researches have shown that
close to 78% of adults in the United States own a smartphone. Similarly, close to 93% of
teenagers and young adults within the United States also own smartphones. Another rationale for
BOYD policy would be that employees are more likely to take better care of their personal
gadgets and devices as opposed to company resources (Bonica, 2015). Losing or breaking a
personal phone is usually more devastating that the same happening to a company phone since
one always knows that the company device will be replaced.
On the aspect of convenience, employees are better placed when they can only take care
of a single device as opposed to maintaining two or more devices. Preferences are also catered
for by BOYD since one employee may prefer using android to iPhones (Fulton, 2017). Using a
preferred device may save one from the process of learning the mechanisms of using new
devices. Similarly, most companies often install needed software on employee devices. As such,
employees are able to use this software for personal and employment activities.
Employees already know how to use their devices well enough. For this reason, there is
immediate efficiency in productivity as opposed to cases where employees are introduced to new
devices that they have to learn to use efficiently (Bonica, 2015). Updating computer software for

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1 Topic: Bring your own device (BYOD) policy for network security. BYOD security disaster or more productive workplace Type of paper: Research paper Discipline: Computer science (IT) Introduction Bring your own device (BOYD) policies can be described as policies which enable employees who are utilizing their personal devices to access work affiliated data and their organizational networks. Most often, such data is usually confidential and sensitive. Several companies allow their staff to use USB drives, tablets, personal computers, and smartphones to access company data. Numerous company is adopting the policies which enable employees to work from home which is mainly informed by the need for these companies to be able to operate even in cases where their employees are commuting, traveling or at home. These policies make it possible for any company to maintain a busy work schedule. For some, there are sanctions and restrictions which are associated while in others, there are no restrictions at all related to the use of company data anywhere. Security measures that are related to BOYD are quite essential since personal devices often get their way into companies, whether they have been sanctioned by the IT department or not. If the solutions for BOYD are effectively solved, several elements within the company, such as morale and productivity, can be tremendously improved. However, if these devices are left unchecked, then they can result in unprecedented effects and challenges ...
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