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Carmex: Leveraging Facebook for
Marketing Research
While Carmex has been marketing lip balm since 1937, only recently has Carmex begun to focus
on competition and growth. Carmex has used social media tools to support many of its growth
initiatives including product line extension, international growth, new product development, and
product line expansion. Facebook provides Carmex with the unique opportunity to research
potential lip balm varieties in the United States by engaging with its target audience online.
Marketing research is the process of defining a marketing problem and opportunity,
systematically collecting and analyzing information, and recommending actions. Marketing
researchers collect information to help marketing managers reduce risk and improve their
marketing decisions. There are five steps in the marketing research approach: (1) defining the
problem, (2) developing the research plan, (3) collecting relevant information, (4) developing
findings, (5) and taking marketing actions.
Click the ► button to watch the video. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Carmex's first efforts in marketing research had the research objective of figuring out who it was
as a company and what the Carmex name means. In the first stage of the marketing research
approach, ________, the research objective is set.
Multiple Choice
collecting relevant information
defining the problem

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developing the research plan
developing findings
taking marketing actions
Carmex uses key Facebook metrics such as "likes" and "engagement" to keep up with the size
and activity of Carmex's Facebook audience. In what stage of the marketing research approach
would the Carmex manager determine the number of current Facebook likes and level of
engagement activity?
Set research objectives.
Develop the research plan.
Define the problem.
Take marketing actions.
Collect relevant information.
If Carmex sent an email survey to each e-mail address registered through its Facebook page to
determine what the demographic profile of its average Facebook fan looked like, this would be
an example of ________ data gathering.
Multiple Choice

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Carmex: Leveraging Facebook for Marketing Research While Carmex has been marketing lip balm since 1937, only recently has Carmex begun to focus on competition and growth. Carmex has used social media tools to support many of its growth initiatives including product line extension, international growth, new product development, and product line expansion. Facebook provides Carmex with the unique opportunity to research potential lip balm varieties in the United States by engaging with its target audience online. Marketing research is the process of defining a marketing problem and opportunity, systematically collecting and analyzing information, and recommending actions. Marketing researchers collect information to help marketing managers reduce risk and improve their marketing decisions. There are five steps in the marketing research approach: (1) defining the problem, (2) developing the research plan, (3) collecting relevant information, (4) developing findings, (5) and taking marketing actions. Click the ► button to watch the video. Then, answer the questions that follow. Carmex's first efforts in marketing research had the research objective of figuring out who it was as a c ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
