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The congress and the president

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The Congress and the President
January 25, 2021

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The American political system is characterized by collaboration between Congress and
the President (Wilson et al., 2018). The relationship between the United States Congress and the
President can be better understood through an in-depth analysis of U.S. Congress's structure, the
President's role and responsibilities differences, checks and balances of power between the
executive, legislature, and judiciary.
Congress structure and makeup
According to Wilson et al., 2018, the Congress consists of two chambers, the Senate and
the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 senators with two senators representing each
state regardless of size and population. Similarly, The House of Representatives has 435
members. Senate represents the interests of the federal states while the House of Representatives
deals with Americans' interests (US History, 2021). To propose a new law by Congress, the bill
is introduced to the proposer's congress chambers. Committee members are assigned the bill to
research, discuss, and make changes to the proposed law. The congress chamber then votes the
bill. If both bodies accept the bill, changes are made to eliminate existing differences. The upper
and lower House then vote for the amended bill. When the bill passes, it is presented to the
President, who can approve the bill by signing it or reject the bill veto. When the President
vetoes the bill, Congress may vote to override the bill, and it becomes law. However, pocketing
of the vetoed bill by the President means that the legislation is adjourned (US History, 2021).
Roles and responsibility
All executive powers of the President are listed in Article II of the U.S. Constitution
(Wilson et al., 2018). As the head of the federal state, President oversees all government
executive agencies and is in command of the United States Armed Forces. He has veto power

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Running head: THE CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT1 The Congress and the President POL/115 January 25, 2021 THE CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT 2 The American political system is characterized by collaboration between Congress and the President (Wilson et al., 2018). The relationship between the United States Congress and the President can be better understood through an in-depth analysis of U.S. Congress's structure, the President's role and responsibilities differences, checks and balances of power between the executive, legislature, and judiciary. Congress structure and makeup According to Wilson et al., 2018, the Congress consists of two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 senators with two senators representing each state regardless of size and population. Similarly, The House of Representatives has 435 members. Senate represents the interests of the federal states while the House of Representatives deals with Americans' interests (US History, 2021). To propose a new law by Congress, the bill is introduced to the proposer's congress chambers. Committee members are assigned the bill to research, discuss, and make changes to the proposed law. The ...
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