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Week 1 apply assignment

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What is a hybrid strategy?
A strategy in which an organization will implement a competitor's strategy
A combination of unique and borrowed strategies
A combination of any of the differentiation, niche, or cost-leadership strategies
A strategy where segmented markets compete against larger markets
Managing total rewards is all about ensuring that the rewards offered by an organization meet
whose needs?
The government
The organization
The employee
Both the organization and the employee
Differences in national cultures should be considered when rewards systems are designed
because employees from diverse cultures may have very different definitions of what?
Employee satisfaction
________ represent the goals or the criteria by which a rewards system can be judged.
The more a rewards system deviates from "the way we do things around here," the more likely
it is to be:

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Which of the following is NOT a function of human resources?
Risk management
Performance management
Human resource information system
Reward form combination strategy refers to:
Rewards (cash, benefits, bonuses) and how they compete with other internal
Rewards (cash, benefits, bonuses) and how they compete in the market
Rewards (cash, benefits, bonuses) and how they differ from each other
Rewards (cash, benefits, bonuses) and how they relate to each other
What is variable pay?
Which of the following does organizational performance NOT include?
Effectiveness at meeting customer needs
Developing employees

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• What is a hybrid strategy? • A strategy in which an organization will implement a competitor's strategy • A combination of unique and borrowed strategies • A combination of any of the differentiation, niche, or cost-leadership strategies • A strategy where segmented markets compete against larger markets • Managing total rewards is all about ensuring that the rewards offered by an organization meet whose needs? • The government • The organization • The employee • Both the organization and the employee • Differences in national cultures should be considered when rewards systems are designed because employees from diverse cultures may have very different definitions of what? • Rewards • Equality • Employee satisfaction • Quality • ________ represent the goals or the criteria by which a rewards system can be judged. • Values • Rewards • Employees • Outcomes • The more a rewards system deviates from "the way we do things around here," the more likely it is to be: • Changed • Ignored • Rejected • Accepted • Which of the following is NOT a function of human resources? • Recruiting • Ris ...
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