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Week 1 discussion

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Week 1 Discussion
Question One
Big data has significantly changed how professionals collect,
manage, analyze, and utilize data across industries. One of the
most notable industries where data research and analytics has
made significant changes is the healthcare industry. According
to Holloway (2005), the key characteristic of data research and
analysis that makes healthcare a separate industry lies on the
role that big data plays in helping healthcare service providers
make informed care management decisions, which not only
results in the provision of proactive care but also improves
relationships between patients and health service providers.
Through data research and analytics, healthcare professionals
can predict the outbreak of epidemics, avoid preventable
infections and readmissions, reduce mortality rates, and
improve the quality of healthcare service delivery (Barton, 2009).
Notably, all these positive impacts are possible with effective
incorporation of artificial intelligence and emerging machine
learning such as IOT. Therefore, it is of great significance for
healthcare organizations to invest in big data analytical
Question Two
Health professionals can use processed and analyzed data to
strategically plan for tasks. For instance, health facilities
mangers can use check-up and treatment data to strategically
plan on treatment capacity, and resource allocation, and make
decisions on cost of treatment. Health professionals can use

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Week 1 Discussion Question One Big data has significantly changed how professionals collect, manage, analyze, and utilize data across industries. One of the most notable industries where data research and analytics has made significant changes is the healthcare industry. According to Holloway (2005), the key characteristic of data research and analysis that makes healthcare a separate industry lies on the role that big data plays in helping healthcare service providers make informed care management decisions, which not only results in the provision of proactive care but also improves relation ...
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