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Week 2 quiz 1

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Question 1
When the first faculty member entered Mrs. Italiano’s home, she made sure she set her bag down
on the most comfortable looking chair and went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. The faculty
member was using her bag as a(n) _____.
territorial marker
Question 2
Mrs. Italiano sat in a dining room chair about eight feet away from her fellow faculty
members who sat on the living room sofas and chairs as she discussed the leadership
situation at PVHS. Which spatial zone was Mrs. Italiano using?
social space
Question 3
As Marcus was writing a Facebook post about Mr. Menendez’s departure, his son was
speaking loudly on the phone. Unable to focus, because of his son talking so loud,
Marcus tapped his son on the shoulder and held his finger to his lips to encourage him to
bring down the volume. What function was Marcus’ behavior serving?
Question 4
With tears in his eyes and a quivering voice, Mr. Menendez told Derek Matthews that he
accepted the decision of the Board and looked forward to a new opportunity at a different
school. What function of a nonverbal message is Mr. Menendez demonstrating?

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Question 5
Leah is feeling overwhelmed about her role as PVHS student body president during this
conflict. Leah explains her feelings to her mother, Carrie, who responds by relating the
frustration and confusion she felt in a similar situation in high school and offers to help
Leah get back on track. Carrie’s expression of understanding is an example of _____.
Question 6
Leah uses terms like “LOL” and “BFF” when talking with her friends, but when speaking
with teachers and administrators in her role as student body president, she uses formal
language. Leah is demonstrating the concept of _____.
code switching
Question 7
Leah overheard one of her classmates telling a friend that she has a great smile and pretty
hair. Based on this information, her classmate is experiencing _____.
physical attraction
Question 8
Carrie was disapproving when Leah considered defending herself from some of the
parents questioning her position as student body president. Carrie was brought up to
believe that young people should let their parents do the talking. This scenario
demonstrates the _____ theory.
halo effect

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Question 1 When the first faculty member entered Mrs. Italiano’s home, she made sure she set her bag down on the most comfortable looking chair and went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. The faculty member was using her bag as a(n) _____. territorial marker Question 2 Mrs. Italiano sat in a dining room chair about eight feet away from her fellow faculty members who sat on the living room sofas and chairs as she discussed the leadership situation at PVHS. Which spatial zone was Mrs. Italiano using? social space Question 3 As Marcus was writing a Facebook post about Mr. Menendez’s departure, his son was speaking loudly on the phone. Unable to focus, because of his son talking so loud, Marcus tapped his son on the shoulder and held his finger to his lips to encourage him to bring down the volume. What function was Marcus’ behavior serving? substituting Question 4 With tears in his eyes and a quivering voice, Mr. Menendez told Derek Matthews that he accepted the decision of the Board and looked forward to a new opportunity at a different school. What function of a nonverbal message is Mr. Menendez demonstrating? Contradicting Question 5 Leah is feeling overwhelmed about her role as PVHS student body president during this conflict. Leah explains her feelings to her mother, Carrie, who responds by relating the frustration and confusion she felt in a similar situation in high school and offers to help Leah get back on track. Carrie’s expression of understanding is ...
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Really useful study material!
