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SWOT Analysis
University of Phoenix
SWOT Analysis
Apple Inc. is an international organization that offers online services, electronics, and
computer software. The firm was established in California, United States, by Steve Jobs and his

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partners. Apple produces products, such as iPhones, Apple TVs, Mac, Apple Watch, and iPad.
The organization also offers software products like iCloud and Apple Play. The greater
competitors of Apple are HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, Acer, and Samsung.
Status of the company
According to the (United States Securities and Exchange Commission 2019), Apple Inc.
has more than 500 operating stores with about 137,000 workers. The company has been
successful in providing robust technology products and software services. The Success of Apple
is attributed to the use of its strengths in overcoming the threats and weaknesses.
There are various strengths associated with Apple. To start with, it has innovative
products with unique designs. The company has the capacity to design its software and hardware,
making it outshine its competitors (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2020).
Apple introduces new products each year with improved designs, usability, and ease of use. The
company can use this strength to manufacture superior quality products and attract more
customers, thus gaining more significant market share and increasing income. Secondly, Apple
has the most valuable brand. Almost every potential customer has been informed about the
company, making them develop a positive attitude towards the company as the brand is always
associated with high quality and durable products. The company can use this strength to
introduce more products into the market and attract customers due to its strong brand. Besides,
Apple has the top technology. Apple develops its products using top-notch technology, leading
to high quality, thus improving its brand loyalty. Additionally, Apple has a global reach. The
products are accessible to almost every part of the work. The strength enables the company to

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1 SWOT Analysis University of Phoenix MGT/526 SWOT Analysis Apple Inc. is an international organization that offers online services, electronics, and computer software. The firm was established in California, United States, by Steve Jobs and his 2 partners. Apple produces products, such as iPhones, Apple TVs, Mac, Apple Watch, and iPad. The organization also offers software products like iCloud and Apple Play. The greater competitors of Apple are HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, Acer, and Samsung. Status of the company According to the (United States Securities and Exchange Commission 2019), Apple Inc. has more than 500 operating stores with about 137,000 workers. The company has been successful in providing robust technology products and software services. The Success of Apple is attributed to the use of its strengths in overcoming the threats and weaknesses. Strengths There are various strengths associated with Apple. To start with, it has innovative products with unique designs. The company has the capacity to design its software and hardware, making it outshine its competitors (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2020). Apple introduces new products each year with improved designs, usability, and ease of use. The company can use this strength to manufacture superior quality products and attract more customers, thus gaining more significant market share and increasing income. Secondly, Apple has the most valuable brand. Almost every potential customer has been info ...
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